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taking down chapter

eggowaffles January 21, 2021 4:38 am

i keep trying to report a chapter so that it’s taken down and i can reupload and i report to ‘other’ but i think the report isn’t working or mangago doesn’t look at the ‘other’ reports. i tried to use the ‘missing chapters’ one and they replied back but i’ve tried the ‘others’ at least 5 times and i’ve waited for the whole day and uhh does anyone have a way to take down chapters??

    ✨Suujin January 21, 2021 5:29 am

    Good day, Suujin here!!

    You simply just have to resend the fixed imgur album link and caption it with "updated chapter" to overwrite the erroneous chapter. That way you dont have to request for the chapter to be deleted and then upload a new one.


    eggowaffles January 21, 2021 5:50 am
    Good day, Suujin here!!You simply just have to resend the fixed imgur album link and caption it with "updated chapter" to overwrite the erroneous chapter. That way you dont have to request for the chapter to be... ✨Suujin

    thank you so much! i will try that and let you know how that goes!!