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Naïve Drifter November 14, 2015 1:28 am

Was this ever found? Or should I say can someone please find this (it was written a little back):

A minor god who looks like a normal little boy lives in a forest. The forest is ruled by a powerful snake god who protects the minor god, and in return, the minor god follows a few rules that are set by the snake god, one being that he never leave the forest. Other than that, the snake god allows the minor god to live however he pleases. The snake god sometimes takes the form of a young, older boy. A village is near the forest, and lately the villagers had been especially wary of the snake god's forest due to strange happenings. One day a wandering monk visits the forest, and somehow he and the minor god become friends.
That's all I remember. If someone knows anything about this manga please tell me. And one other detail I remember is that the minor god lives in a treehouse-like structure.
