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Clauwie November 14, 2015 3:55 am

Finally done with all of naono sensei's works on the list, it was fun; arigato sensei your stories are amazing and for the use of older ukes in your story you're simply awesome (●'◡'●)ノ

    Granaghgirl December 1, 2015 11:34 am

    me too!! Fully agree! Older people love too!

    Hide x Kaneki December 5, 2015 4:58 am
    me too!! Fully agree! Older people love too! Granaghgirl

    On the 3rd story the seme seemed more like a uke ( ̄へ ̄)

    Haven January 30, 2016 6:23 am

    Me too, it took me two days to finish her stories, I love them all, the characters are always full of life and show a lot of emotions, I hope we can see the updates of some of the stories very soon!!!

    jino February 21, 2016 10:10 am

    I just finished my bohra marathon too! (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ took me like 5 days, would have taken 2 days if uni didnt get in the way so much ( ̄へ ̄) but ahhh now i feel so acomplished! Her stories always make me feel good~