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Josei?? The drawings are totally shoujo-like and the first page totally shounen-ai xD The ...

Yun November 14, 2015 9:52 pm

Josei?? The drawings are totally shoujo-like and the first page totally shounen-ai xD The vibes afterwards are so shounen-ai too...

Anyway it's pretty cool and interesting :) Hope the updates will be regular :)

But the way reincarnation is presented bothers me... If it's their soul reincarnated it should just be them remembering the past and they should have been somewhat similar to their past lives... I'm a bit doubtful that may be how they were during their first lifetime when they were children... especially Kazuha ^^'
Still don't like how it's like the first Aoi and Kazuha taking over the present child :( It seems very unfair like that

    Shocora November 15, 2015 2:53 am

    Yeah, i also get the shounen-ai vibes! ヾ(☆▽☆) i hope it will slowly turn to be shonen-ai tho *evil smirk*
    About aoi and kazuha taking over the present child was indeed unfair, but i think it's also unfair for aoi and kazuha since they were sealed to be reborn in that household by force. But i really want to see grown up crybaby present aoi urrg

    iLIEz November 15, 2015 2:10 pm
    Yeah, i also get the shounen-ai vibes! ヾ(☆▽☆) i hope it will slowly turn to be shonen-ai tho *evil smirk*About aoi and kazuha taking over the present child was indeed unfair, but i think it's also unfai... @Shocora

    ikr he was so cute & then they had to completely destroy his personality

    Yun November 15, 2015 2:22 pm
    Yeah, i also get the shounen-ai vibes! ヾ(☆▽☆) i hope it will slowly turn to be shonen-ai tho *evil smirk*About aoi and kazuha taking over the present child was indeed unfair, but i think it's also unfai... @Shocora

    Yep also hope it will turn full shounen-ai!! It's so cute how Aoi still thinks Kazuha is cute and all... Love transcends gender yay!

    True that... At least they were forced into it together... Aoi would have probably lost it long ago if he was alone ><