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Although I'm mad at the brother, I also feel sad for him. I can't imagine how is having a ...

Xhinee January 21, 2021 9:51 pm

Although I'm mad at the brother, I also feel sad for him. I can't imagine how is having a sibling like the ML.

    BabyTy February 21, 2021 10:55 am

    Wtf- did you not read what the ml went thru

    Xhinee February 22, 2021 5:50 pm
    Wtf- did you not read what the ml went thru BabyTy

    Yeah, but aside from that. Imagine having a younger sibling better than you in everything.

    Yummy March 4, 2021 1:56 pm
    Yeah, but aside from that. Imagine having a younger sibling better than you in everything. Xhinee

    What are you trying to comply? Of course someone has to be better than you. He clearly has inferiority complex and we shouldnt blame the ml for that. Its not the ml who brought the inferiority complex to him, it was himself

    Xhinee March 4, 2021 2:28 pm
    What are you trying to comply? Of course someone has to be better than you. He clearly has inferiority complex and we shouldnt blame the ml for that. Its not the ml who brought the inferiority complex to him, i... Yummy

    I'm not blaming anyone, Ofc there will be always someone better than you. But he had to grow up in that type of environment with a really big inferiority complex. What he does is his fault, but I feel pity toward him also. That he has to grow up with a GENIUS brother. It's not ml fault, Ofc not.
    If it was in the other way, that the big brother is the genius and the little brother no. I will also feel pity towards the little brother.

    Yummy March 4, 2021 11:46 pm
    I'm not blaming anyone, Ofc there will be always someone better than you. But he had to grow up in that type of environment with a really big inferiority complex. What he does is his fault, but I feel pity towa... Xhinee

    Yeah i feel i bit of pity for him but honestly I'm kinda mad at him at how he was always acting i very much felt second hand embarassement when he was telling about his "kidnapping"