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fluffybomi January 22, 2021 10:00 am

I've been seeing a lot of hate against the FL for getting "jealous" and i just wanna say its not really jealousy in my opinion. If you guys remember, the blonde girl was suppose to end up with the duke but the duke likes the FL. She is just feeling anxious bc of how the story was suppose to play out without her in the picture.

    BB_Minnie_Floppy January 23, 2021 4:14 am

    Ya, I know, right! Seriously who wouldn't be self-conscious if this was happening? Since she knows what the future is supposed to look like and who they love interests are....that can cause a lot of stress and anxiety.

    Aisha January 23, 2021 4:24 am
    Ya, I know, right! Seriously who wouldn't be self-conscious if this was happening? Since she knows what the future is supposed to look like and who they love interests are....that can cause a lot of stress and ... BB_Minnie_Floppy

    I would get a big hole in my stomach if I was in her situation xD Driven by anxiety because I would get many sleepless nights even if I knew there is nothing.

    fluffybomi January 23, 2021 5:30 am