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This dejavu

Esharnival January 22, 2021 1:47 pm

Idk if I read too much hentai or this manhwa's sex scene is based from hentai, I feel so much dejavu for every smut scene in this manhwa
But, how can a monster be that beautiful? Like every single of the monster except the very first one had this beautiful looking face and body if this is a typical japanese hentai manga I bet Chiwoo will always lose in the end and get ruled by the monsters
And please tell me that Jin the purple guy is not second lead and will have his own lover please, I am sad enough remembering that Seojin from True Beauty drama is second lead and now if this purp guy is second lead too I will be crying so much idk why do I love this purple guy, he's so good looking guess I have a thing for good looking guy
