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i get these hate feeling from poeple to the omega but...

meian January 22, 2021 6:08 pm

i dont find him bad, both kids suffer from a horrible past (for first readers spoilers ahead)
he had these fairytail painted to him and he loved these kid not because he was an alpha, but for the fairy tail (that even now a days are still selling the princess has to marry his prince.. women are only meant to give birth and all that shit) so these little fella wished for his loved one be his true fated, but got rejected with an expression that he understood as repulse (the kid was repulsed but by him self so the omega did see that face, but like souji didnt say anything didnt clear the missunderstanding it stayed as that) nanao felt the rejection heavily and right when he was in shock some disgosting mothafukca bioth pedophile raped him.. and he got even a greater wound.. he should have recieved love from his parents but there is only his mother and she even told him to sell his body because she didnt give a shit if he needed the medicine and the biotch still kept asking for money.. NANAO WAS IN A HELLISH LIFE.. with no one to support him, he needed money and for an underaged kid.. he didnt had other way.. his mother was supposed to work her ass of for him and support him.. i hate her.. then he get these kid back to his hellish life.. ofcourse he wont belive him, he has been with alphas and their lies (remember he got offers but non of them were true so that is why he didnt belive in pairs) he had all the right to act like that, and be wary

he was living with his mother that loved/hated him and didnt loved her self, she didnt set an example because she was a victim and was going threw hell.. basically she got raped and had to get birth to the fruit of that rape, the hatred she felt for that fruit.. i dont blame her, her parents sold her off for money for status.. but souji grow up learning he could be a monster like his dad, and do something to smilar to others like his dad do to his mom, he grew up hating him self.. and he find these boy and he loved him, but he got scared and disgusted by him self because he was an alpha and his loved one an omega he though he was going to do the same and ran away.. but when he learned his loved one was at the grasp of his coussin and other alphas he wanted to get him back /specially because he found a route to escape threw his grandfather.. he didnt have to be on that hellish house hold anymore) he was healed for his grandfather but he had to rescue his loved one, he knew the scar was deep and didnt prey on time he got little by little he didnt knew what happend to nanao and after knowing what happen he got even rushier to have him so he wouldnt suffer again.. he wanted to have his heart before his body.. i loved that

i think both run away from their hell and make a heaven for their own
i really liked it
