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.....sooooo, an I suppose to assume from the smile at the end that he played the evil guy ...

BlackFangedDog January 23, 2021 1:14 pm

.....sooooo, an I suppose to assume from the smile at the end that he played the evil guy to intercept his mother and force his brother to hurry his relationship by putting pressure on him????
I I reaching to far....the mother did the name switch thing.....Anand if you really wanted to still your bros mate would you tell him and then use mild sleep aid to knock him out... I seemed like there was a bit of time between the tea incident, the dance party, and the bed scene.....Plus he could of literally taken him by force multiple times like at the cabana.....

Know what....I am thinking away too much into's too early to be thinking this much -- anyways sorry for my ramblings
