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I Wonder

I Love Junjou Romantica November 20, 2015 2:05 am

If you hurt something but love it, is it kinder if you keep it and cheerish it or let it go?

    I have a secret stash of yaoi. November 20, 2015 2:23 am

    That depends on how you hurt that something. I need some more details.

    hello November 20, 2015 3:14 am
    That depends on how you hurt that something. I need some more details. I have a secret stash of yaoi.


    nickname November 20, 2015 4:32 am

    if I hurt something, then I will stay with it until it healed. If I love someone, I will cheerish them and try to never let them go. (● ̄(エ) ̄●)