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so, there was this manhwa/hua where it was an isekai (I guess) with a female lead. I don't...

mayay69 January 24, 2021 5:12 am

so, there was this manhwa/hua where it was an isekai (I guess) with a female lead. I don't remember many details but I remember there was a scene in specifc, the one where the protagonist was near a lake and the guy who was a duke or something, was looking at her and thinking that she was beautiful. But out of nowhere she starts cursing out loud and saying her real thoughts because she thinks she is alone. She also starts working for this duke making swords, and she has a sister (I think she’s a sister??) that hates her. I also remember a scene in which she was wearing maid clothes without knowing it, and she is someone noble, her sister (?) who gave these cheap clothes to her in order to bully her.

I already read it but forgot to save it and wanted to read it again. Sorry, I'm horrible to explain and to make things worse I don't remember much about that story- I just remember being really funny. If anyone knows what it is and can give me the link I would appreciate it so much!
