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Yo what just happened. Side note, the author blinded the blonde girl because according ...

Usotsuki January 24, 2021 5:33 pm

Yo what just happened.

Side note, the author blinded the blonde girl because according to the traditional version of rapunzel, the prince fell from Rapunzel's hair because the witch cut it while he was climbing it, and he fell into briar thorns and was blinded. In that story there are magic tears that she cries over him once they are reunited after several years of him wandering the world blind, but uh, psycho yuri seems to be popular so that's not what happened in this... She's just blind forever I guess, because some chick she liked claimed that PERMANENTLY BLINDING SOMEONE IS EQUIVALENT TO HAVING YOUR HAIR CUT. YEAH WHY DON'T I JUST GROW MYSELF A NEW PAIR OF EYES IN A YEAR, CUZ THAT'S APPARENTLY HOW IT WORKS.
