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This is a big crap

Ericopa12 November 24, 2015 1:42 am

I thought that maybe the last 2 chapters would repair the crap that was the first 7, but there are from another manga, this was the worst thing that ever happen to me in this page, don't read this manga please, it's disgusting.

    what August 30, 2016 7:30 pm

    That is a hentai/erotic novel. Of course its funny and senseless. Only the last chapter has some deep thoughts.

    Ericopa12 August 30, 2016 10:43 pm
    That is a hentai/erotic novel. Of course its funny and senseless. Only the last chapter has some deep thoughts. @what

    Well, it's true that hentai use to be stupid, but i thought that in this website it wouln't be that kind of hentai, i guess i was mistaken... they have many other good reads...