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ShonaNingyo January 25, 2021 5:29 pm

What hurts me the most about this manga is Azusa's relationship with his mother. I don't know what led her to dropping out of school and becoming a prostitute, but she has always tried her best to provide for him, even putting up with abuse from her johns. She wants Azusa to have a better life than she does, and he understands that, but.. seeing your mom being abused and not being in a position to do anything about it warps you. It's not his mom's fault, but it's still damaging to a kid. He's sabotaging his own future because of his disregard for school, but school is also a shitty place to be because it's just a simulation of Those in Power Picking on the Less Fortunate.

I only hope Azusa gets out of school and manages to get into college so he can get a job that allows his mom to never need to sell herself again. There's nothing wrong with sex work, mind you, but this isn't safe or healthy sex work, and it's obvious she isn't in a position to be choosy with her clientele. It's just sad all around!! (/TДT)/
