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Changbin salon answered question about need advice
I feel like a lot of times people pleasers or people with low self esteem are categorized as pick me
Changbin salon created a topic of Lost in the Cloud


Changbin salon answered question about make a picrew
Do you mean like having extremely bad intrusive thoughts or like a born psychopath?
Changbin salon asked question about going to concerts

Nova , can't stop hyperstellar

Changbin salon created a topic of Yona and Chang-il

The author is either a sadist or has some really questionable kinks

Changbin salon like the answer
I think it's funny you think all of us know who Cara is. I thought you made a typo and was referring to Clara from hsr ngl. Also, imo, if your art is truly a masterpiece, AI can't catch up. I know we all say support the artists, but it's inefficient. YOU can argue that their work is better, but the fact is that a lower priced AI compared to the ......
Changbin salon shared experience about disturbing thing you saw
Wtf I just wanted to listen to ateez what's with the weird arsmr
Changbin salon created a topic of PASSION

I bet that psycho ex is looking for him

Changbin salon answered question about question
I mean it's not like others can tell
Changbin salon created a topic of High Clear
Changbin salon created a topic of Homeless/No Home

Because you were abused doesn't mean you have the right to abuse your child
It wasn't his fault that you gave birth to him before you could heal

Changbin salon created a topic of Lee Seop's Romance


Changbin salon created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

Omfg I almost clicked it
Why can't y'all wait for jujucat to upload it?
You're ruining it for everyone else

Changbin salon created a topic of Fight Club

All the characters feel flat