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Mandu created a topic of See You, My King

Being completely honest dw reading weekly ive been there.. but as someone who is a lil too obsessed with them i can help you out this will hv spoilers for the whole story so far so ill try to do tldr as simply (but detailed ) as i can

So basically Yanzi in the modern time met this Stone like figure from an ancient ruin that followed him around like a puppy for a good month or so he got attached but as Stone started eroding and losing his sentience he gave Yanzi this purple flower necklace (this is important) Yanzi with the power of ancient voodoo magic gets sent back to ancient time when Mimi was King.

Mimi looking like Stone he was suspicious so he wanted to test it but the Stone he knew was kind and sweet not cold hearted killer like the Mimi he saw in front of him. But as time passed Mimi eventually acknowledged his skill in Archery and kinda became his personal assistant. Yanzi at this point his mission was to find Stone using the Flower as his main source in finding him. He later meets another character that LOOKED like Stone

This character is Sute. Sute had the same look and (at this point) kindness as Stone. So Yanzi tried investigating him. He found out that Sute was hella sick with this illness reasons why his hair is white. But Sute found some weird Cult that was able to “heal” his body. Later to find out Sute is a cruel necromancer kinda guy that is in weird ways obsessed with our King Mimi (in a incest kinda way) Sute in his obsession made his version of Mimi with the flesh and bones of Real Mimi and Sute’s older brother that died a crap long time ago (ik creepy) using that cult magic.

But Fake mimi only flaw was he wasnt sentient. He can follow orders and nod but cant speak. So Sute and Fake mimi ran away after they were caught doing their Necromancy stuff with dark magic. Yanzi and real Mimi followed them to a nearby Kingdom. And tried to find a way to kill Sute for using magic and kill Fake Mimi so they can’t interpret Real Mimi. During this time Real Mimi was figuring out his feelings for Yanzi. And Yanzi figured out that Stone was Real Mimi. Cause Real Mimi is that sweet little guy once u warm up to him.

Now once they done all that almost risking Yanzi’s life. Real Mimi figured out his feelings Sute is sadly still delulu and obsessed with Mimi hoping his Fake Mimi became sentient giving him devil’s blood so Fake Mimi can talk but reality nothing like that happened. Real Mimi pretended to be Fake Mimi so they could get close to Sute. Sute became a mess once Real Mimi revealed the truth that Fake Mimi never became Sentient. And brought him to die in that Underground thing where those dead bodies were TO FIND OUT (only to us the audience) THAT FAKE MIMI COULD TALK ( SO SAD I FELT BAD FOR HIM (/TДT)/ ) HE CALLED OUT SUTE’S NAME RIGHT BEFORE HE DIED!

WELL WE ARE ALL CAUGHT UP. I will say i missed a fuck ton cause this is a major tldr but to everyone confused yes Real mimi was Stone and yes a lot of shit is fucked up cause this was a medieval era. WELL i hope u enjoyed my ted talk and hope this explains the main plot (minus the romance) for everyone (▰˘◡˘▰)