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bluemoon's feed

bluemoon like topic of True Education

Y’all better not actually be calling this the racist manga like and why are y’all like this no one would’ve said anything had it been a different racial slur and as a black person if y’all have such a problem with the slur being used how bout y’all stop using it too like what, a slur is still a slur no matter who’s mouth it’s coming out of but y’all don’t think it’s racist to call each other the n word bffr and if y’all knew or bothered to look up the definition of racism you wouldn’t label everything as such it wasn’t prejudice he treated the black kid the same way the black kid was treating the Koreans the black kid stated harmful stereotypes against the Koreans that’s ok but when the white teacher does the same thing but onto the black kid now everybody clutching their purse getting offended and if it was a black teacher commenting on a white or Korean kid the response wouldn’t have been the same