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scoupstatu created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

"throwing him away"? Well, we'll see heejae

scoupstatu created a topic of Kick Off
scoupstatu created a topic of Hosik's story

so excited for the full official translation. halfway at the end it's kinda hard to read so glad that's finally hereā™”ā™”

scoupstatu created a topic of The couple breaker

oh no i should let this marinate for some more time

scoupstatu created a topic of Eleceed
scoupstatu created a topic of My Suha

this might be suitable ending for them but I don't know what to feel

now we have them all in one place

scoupstatu created a topic of Eleceed

It's gotta be funny of this new guy gonna get that 'expensive cat' looks

scoupstatu created a topic of Jinx

I saw someone commented jaekyung is a traffic light guy

scoupstatu created a topic of Homeless/No Home

Lolol when haejoon is more scarier than the ghost

scoupstatu created a topic of A Trace of the Wonder

I just can't feel anything from his confession lol

scoupstatu created a topic of Bye Bye

the ml is so green flag tho

scoupstatu created a topic of Daraku Kazoku-ron

fcuk i should check whether this is complete or ongoing before reading

scoupstatu created a topic of Punch Drunk Love

easily become top 3 best proposal in bl

scoupstatu created a topic of Meteor Orbit

I'm fine with all these fine guys as ml(just can't choose one TT). i mean like every each chapter makes me tryna rooted for every other guys tho. please take them all yusung lol

scoupstatu created a topic of Semantic Error

I hope it's just not gonna end like this ;(( i want at least 50 more side chapters of themm. I wanna see the veggie game developed, if they gonna study abroad together, working jaeyoung lives with his college bf and a lot more ;(((