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Moon followed a goer
4 days
Moon created a topic of Risky Vice

My toxic trait is that I can't stop reading new chapters of this story, even though it keeps getting worse with every update.

Moon created a topic of The edge of ambiguity

Wow so even the friend wasn't a real friend, i feel so bad for sooyoung

Moon created a topic of PASSION

Is this worth reading???

Moon created a topic of The couple breaker

Yesssssss its finallyyyyyy coming back

Moon created a topic of Love Letter Lyrics

Liking the story so far

Moon created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

Chapter 104 is scaring me, i will come back few months later bye

Moon created a topic of My Suha

So there's still hope for the other couple right???

Moon followed a list
Moon add manga to list Favourites (part 2)


  • Author: MITA Homuro
  • Genres: Romance / Slice Of Life / Yaoi
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Moon asked a question

What is 'alien stage'? I have been hearing about it all over

Moon followed a goer



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13 04,2024
Moon created a topic of An egocentric way of thinking

I really cherish the art & the story, and i will just pretend i didn't see this chapter, bye.

Moon followed a list
Moon followed a list
06 04,2024
Moon created a topic of Jinx

The Coach is my favourite character from now on

Moon asked a question

Any recent angsty stories that you are enjoying??? Can be any genre

Moon add manga to list Favourites (part 2)


  • Author: Dell studio
  • Genres: Yaoi / Webtoons