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rinyong September 10, 2020 1:26 pm

The uke forces to runs a factory and the seme is the engineer of the factory

rinyong July 2, 2019 11:47 am

Hi, guys,
i'm looking for JP translator, Chn translator, cleaner, typesetting and QC. I'm a cleaner and raw provider.I have experiences in scans as I'm a founder of one of the BL scans that is doing good now (sorry I'm not reviewing the name unless you email me). If interested, email me in [email protected].

I'm looking forward to your email

    moonbears July 2, 2019 1:25 pm

    just go join one instead, all these scanlation groups are popping up and all of them are all like "in urgent need of x, y and z!!!!" like if you join one instead of making an new one, maybe they will finally have the needed resources to scan stuff instead of having more groups deprived of staff

    rinyong July 3, 2019 11:13 am

    I think about it...thank ya...cause there's rule in scans. I planning to take over what a scan has dropped like for instead Hadakeru Kaibutsu. The scans had fallen out and left them halfway. Most of the scans know that once a manga is taken over, the other scan will not translate them but i'm trying to take make a change and do not want to make the existing scan to take the risk of being raw snatching.

rinyong December 21, 2015 12:29 pm

Is there anyone wanna join yaoi and douijinshi scanlation?

If yes please never hesitate to inbox me.

Thank you

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