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/-/'s experience ( All 0 )

/-/'s answer ( All 13 )

/-/ 12 03,2021
Florida Man Confesses to Cops, Says 'Jesus Told Me To' Drive Ferrari 360 Off Pier.   reply
12 03,2021
/-/ 11 12,2020
um   reply
11 12,2020
When I was younger my parents used to get frustrated with me and slap me whenever I didn’t eat what they told me to or whenever I got a math problem wrong(I grew up in a typical Asian household). I used to hate them and want to kill them(I do realize that that’s going way overboard) and that and a whole bunch of other crap happened and I went t......   reply
03 12,2020
I mean I'm not complaining...   reply
01 12,2020
about stalking
/-/ 28 11,2020
Went to therapy for something stupid, got the police to come to my house to see if I was ok for something stupid, hurt my parents really badly because of something stupid, and my brain just has to remind me of all of it every single second of the day.   reply
28 11,2020

/-/'s question ( All 0 )