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That grey haired bodyguard just be catching strays lol.
And the Russian boss called Linus a simp so elegantly.

The sequel to this has me lighting up. I wonder if the Mc will ever meet Lloyd, cause I’m sure he’s somewhere.
Probably afterlife, but still exist doing some sort of work.

Okay, just hear me out.
What if… and I mean “IF”—- you know how she needs heat after she pulls off drawn to life spells? Yeah, you with me? Kiss can help her right?
Follow me under the table here.
What if…

Facing the painting…

reverse cowgirl while bringing her painting to life.

WAIT! Wait!
Let me me tell you something. HEAT. KISS. RIDING. BODYHEAT!

She would never get hypothermia again!


I get as a reader that Linus wanted to protect him. Panicked on the spot, and said that so he didn’t gain any attention. But who wants to feel like a dirty little secret?
That’s so humiliating, and must hurt as bad as a physical blow.
Fuck you Linus, and your perfectly sculpted brow.

Ah, this really grinds my gears.

Yah know. This is so realistic in how Sweety Bear grows.
It’s very hard to grow a shiney new spine all of a sudden. It’s really hard to break out of that habit, and speak up for yourself.
People think I’m an extrovert, and can’t believe that I’m shy.
I’m riddled with anxiety. I just realized one day that I need to speak to be heard. Easier said than done, I know. It started small, and after, I was left shaking in the hands and my voice almost trembled. I even cried a bit. Over time, I took it step by step. I even got a leadership role at work, and I still gotta take a deep breath before confrontations. It’s been years of working on myself. My guy is doing a great job in confronting his fears. And he has a great support and cheerleaders!

I-I.. I just—you know…. Dammit! No words.
┗( T﹏T )┛

The Fujoushi pinkiepie created a topic of Jinx

Kim Dan deserves better. Leaving that cesspool of abuse was always the way to go.
These Manhua sure knows where everyone hate button is, and they press that shit down hard enough to break it. Now here we all are; stuck and stewing on hatred that thirst for revenge.ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

If that mother lays another finger on our sweet Grizzly Bear, there will be war.

The Fujoushi pinkiepie followed a goer

I'm here for a good time and not a long time, my digital footprint is proof of that lol

19 days

I just keep thinking on how in today’s day and age, that social media would be so in love with Florentia. But at the same time, would be so quick to want to cancel her over the simplest of things.
She would have been great, and she would have played the internet like a fiddle.
Probably some Amara’s would theorize that she was somehow linked to the Pellet Union.
She would have to stay completely out of the limelight.

Leave our sweet Lara alone you flea bitten fidget spinner! (/TДT)/

The Fujoushi pinkiepie created a topic of Eleceed

You were warned old man ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

This is not showing in my notifications, so I’m just leaving a comment here.
I wish he never got that book tho.

I like how stupid the prince it. It warms the cockles of my heart to see him dig his own grave.
How sweet it will be when finally, finally! He lays in the bed of his own making.

The Fujoushi pinkiepie created a topic of Jinx

I don’t like my boy Dan being set up like that.
Jookyung does deserve some Karma, but not at the expense of framing Dan.
Those guys need to pay.

“What’s the point of living, if you can’t be happy.”

No no. He’s got a point.

Real talk tho. If anyone feels like it isn’t worth it, talk to someone. Don’t give up. It might seem hopeless right now, but it was gets better.
I’ve been to the bottom. I’ve almost starved to death. And I’ve been in dead end jobs that abused my talents and my mental health. Walked off that shit like I had options. Couldn’t even dream of online shopping. Didn’t even have an account. While I’m not rich, I’m doing waaaaaaay better, and this isn’t the end for me.
I’m even inviting some friends to go eating out at a restaurant today. 5 years ago or 10 years ago me, would never believe it. Haha.

Keep it up. Life worth live. It’s not all sunshine and rainbows even during the good times. Just think of how those good times make you feel.

This makes me want to open procreate and draw something right now. But I’m so exhausted from work, that I’ll probably cut off a finger at work if I don’t get some sleep soon.
Hopefully if I ever get one of those break things I can finish one of my wip.

The Fujoushi pinkiepie created a topic of Eleceed

Uncle Pluton is the best.
Some call him daddy.
Some call him big bro.
I just get an uncle feel when I see him.