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tiredlazy July 2, 2021 4:04 am

i don't like the second ml all that much. obviously it sucks when your friend and longtime crush suddenly starts ditching you for another guy, but that DEFINITELY doesn't give you an excuse to start preying on people just to "get his attention". im not gonna do the whole, "if he really liked him he should be happy that jiwon's happy," cause honestly i'd feel pretty bitter too, but goodness gracious. at the same time though im a whore for redemption arcs and side couples, so ill be over the moon if we get a love interest that isn't afraid to call him out on the "i was here first, nice guy" bs lmao

tiredlazy June 30, 2021 4:51 pm

the fact that peacock was even a serious “love interest” in the original storyline is just an insult to yuri, he’s so unlikable!!! anyways, homegirl needs to have more faith in melissa. i know that falling victim to the original storyline must have horrible and traumatic, but nothing will defeat our girlboss ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

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