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archemilla created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

wait, what happened? did I miss something... when did taehyuk died in season 1??

archemilla created a topic of Wet Sand

TJ and Ian are just hot asf

archemilla created a topic of Full volume

finally our eldest getting married

archemilla created a topic of Waterside Night

oh to be fall to those chest too

archemilla created a topic of Touch Up

I love blusing angry uke!!!

archemilla created a topic of Young Master

chapter 60 and I still didn't understand what this is about

archemilla created a topic of Full volume

at first I thought Taeju was the most inexperinced one, turns out he's the kinkiest

archemilla created a topic of Predator Marriage
archemilla created a topic of Wet Sand

this is so messed up it's delicious. I can't wait to seeing season 2 at how they would resolve this shit

archemilla created a topic of Love Interest Zone

finally something nice, easy to digest, fluff and all sort to heal my heart~

archemilla created a topic of High Clear

idiots in love, I love them

archemilla created a topic of Profundis

oh, I love taein! finally his backstory

I really want to see Kahim's partner, he's so pretty~

I swear I'm trying to read the whole chapter but Carcel's tiddies really are distracting

the cover art is good but the author also need therapy

it's late but happy birthday, yuhyeon-ah