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adamswife created a topic of Shining Summer

girl he give bad vibes

Does anybody have the link to the novel? Now I wanna read it after binging this

adamswife created a topic of Juvenile Offender


adamswife created a topic of Pygmalion
adamswife created a topic of Foam of the Waves

i hope jack will be the end game !! they're so cute together T___T

adamswife created a topic of Juvenile Offender
adamswife created a topic of Monochrome Rumor

the chaps keeps getting shorter and shorterrr T__T

adamswife created a topic of Shining Summer

HAJSNSHS HELPP every shounen ai add nsfw scenes when it reaches season 2

adamswife created a topic of Juvenile Offender

fuck them bullies bro what yoosung did to them, they deserved it.

adamswife created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

you don't deserved what you've been through, cirrus