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juzzou lover want to do ( All 1 )

have sex

juzzou lover's experience ( All 0 )

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juzzou lover's question ( All 1 )

hi i identify as a bi girl but my moms biphobia and my internalized biphobia always make me think i'm actually not and i'm like lying to myself and everyone, like it's acceptable for anyone else who identifies this way but it's unacceptable for myself,,,, i have no older gay people i can talk about this with i literally have no idea who to ask or where to go but this has been on my mind for months and i just want to know if someone else feels this way too or something))):
19 10,2020

People are doing

did survived suicide

tried numerous times and i still failed, might just jump next

2 hours
did survived suicide

0/10 not recommend
Seriously tho... It got me into therapy and it somehow helped but I still don't wish for others to experience the same

6 hours
want to do survived suicide

covid was crazy

6 hours