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rev April 27, 2017 1:55 am

wtf did i just read??

rev April 8, 2017 12:21 am

He watched a video of a guy getting raped and said it not only made him feel nothing but it was boring, that he only cares that Taemin is being affected by a guy who GOT RAPED and bullied enough to commit suicide. I honestly can't stand him and the fact that Taemin literally said that the he hated wimps and just looked down on Siwon shows he is no better.

    Lucy April 8, 2017 12:33 am

    Taemin hated wimps? More like because as a kid he was abused and abandoned, so he could sympathize with the suffering of others and felt frustrated that they didn't stand up for themselves. I don't think he looked down on Siwon at all. In several scenes of the webtoon, I could see him pity Siwon for being a loner with everyone around against him. Taemin is established as a kind character, maybe seen by some as hypocritical, but I don't see the reason why you should think he is horrible for looking down on wimps.

    rev April 8, 2017 1:36 am

    You're right I meant more that he hated Siwon for never standing up for himself and how Taemin didn't know how Siwon felt and has no right to look down on him for not fighting. I mean his own brother was in on it and everyone at school obviously avoided him or bullied him and while Taemin was abused as a child that's a lot different than having a whole school against you as a teenager - not to compare misfortunes but Taemin has no right to judge for something he himself has never had to go through. Then he made it obvious that he is indifferent towards Siwon unless bullying is involved, even ignored Siwoon talk about how he felt nothing watching Siwon's gangrape and just focusing on how Siwoon lied to him/left him. He may be a kind character but I definitely feel as though he is too indifferent when it came to Siwon and how he even said he didn't care about how Siwon's brother was mistreating even though Taemin himself knows what it's like to be verbally (and physically and we don't know if Siwoon's brother ever did that) abused by a family member. That just rubbed me the wrong way and made him seem like a jerk at least at the beginning and while I can see him grow more and more attached to Siwon as he lives in his body longer he still doesn't say anything when Siwoon talks bad about how Siwon was before and how he was a slut and boring and a nobody. For someone so against bullying how can he listen to a guy talk shit about someone he knows was not only bullied and abused but pushed to suicide? I like Taemin as a character I really do, I love how he is able to fight for what he thinks is right and doesn't let anyone push him around but you have to understand that he is a flawed character and he definitely is hypocritical like you said.

    Ano April 8, 2017 1:57 am
    You're right I meant more that he hated Siwon for never standing up for himself and how Taemin didn't know how Siwon felt and has no right to look down on him for not fighting. I mean his own brother was in on ... rev

    I still don't think "looking down" is the right word, 'cos it makes Taemin sound like someone who doesn't have any feelings towards Siwon. More like "pitying": you're kind to them, you feel for them, but not as equals, like someone pitying a small animal.

    You're right, Taemin is a flawed character. I even found some of his behaviour and actions nonsense or unnecessary while he could've focused on tracking his previous body to find out if Siwon is indeed dead, or if he isn't what his whereabouts could be. When Siwoon said he didn't feel anything seeing the video in which Siwon was raped Taemin didn't say anything maybe because he was too preoccupied with covering his identity, or he was just surprised at being found out by Siwoon?

    annehime April 8, 2017 2:40 am

    I understand your sentiment towards Siwon. But most people are like him to be honest. I was a selfish bitch when I was his age and wasn't empathetic towards people not concerning me.. but I've mended that bitchy evil way. Siwon's character is what makes this manga more realistic ヾ(☆▽☆)

    LazyBun April 8, 2017 10:42 pm

    Yeaaaaah I totally agree with you, I don't like how he reacted to that video.

rev's questions ( All 2 )

rev June 21, 2017 6:58 pm

Hi! I've been looking everywhere for a yaoi with a small, cute seme with his hair pulled back that is obsessive and scary towards his friend (the uke) Can anyone help? Thanks!!

rev January 11, 2017 8:38 am

hi guys! i've been searching for the last few days for a yaoi manga with the two boys being rivals because of their sisters? like both of their older sisters forced them to compete to see who was better at sex/kissing and i remember them being like watched? it was cute but weird and i was really hoping to read it again if anyone recognizes it please tell me i've been trying really hard to find it!! thanks

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