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Lilraccoon96 December 18, 2020 10:09 pm

I am in love with this story so much. The characters are cute but have such tragic back stories that i cant wait to see. I am prepared to continue bawling my eyes out. The artwork is beautiful too. I just wish that bira can help the girl give up on vengeance and find peace so she can stop crying and feeling guilty. I understand now why the gramps wanted him to live unconnected to people tho. And i get that the older brother probably went insane but good god why does he have to throw a temper tantrum just because of the fact things didnt go his way. So what the guy forgave his friend. He was understanding about his friends circumstances so the old guy was just gunna off him? Thats frustrating. But i love that too. The fact the story can trigger such a range of emotions

Lilraccoon96 October 29, 2020 7:23 pm

I can normally handle clingy types by just overlooking them but the class pres is just so annoying. I feel like shes only trying to keep him on a leash so he can protect her but like dayum let the boy explore he can clearly handle himself well. I hope he can ditch the group soon i cant stand her

Lilraccoon96's questions ( All 1 )

Lilraccoon96 October 29, 2020 9:12 pm

Im looking for an isekai manga where the guy is in a wasteland trying to survive and has to make pacts with fairies to help the land. I believe he appeared after leaving a convenience store. One fairy of his is a small wind fairy another is a dolphin water fairy. I'll also happily accept recommendations but I've been dying to see how that story continued

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