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Sai created a topic of Wolf In The House


Sai created a topic of A Pushover's Romance


Sai created a topic of Instant Family

I always find it funny when the artists make the characters tongues super vibrant red LMAO I know it’s to add dramatic affect but realistically if ur tongue is that shade I think something’s wrong

Sai created a topic of A Painter Behind the Curtain

Ian and Raymond living a domestic life together was so beautiful such an underrated and well written story!!

Sai created a topic of Koko wa YES to Ittekure

What a shame is it that these mangas are always usually 1 volume, 5-6 chapters

Sai created a topic of Radio Storm

I just binge read this whole thing and my only complaint is related to how I rlly hate stories that are left up for our interpretation of what comes after like I need a definitive answer…I want to know what the horrible “school” ends up doing and the virus…but we will never know I guess (also I wish we could’ve seen more of them living a free-ish life

Sai created a topic of My Cocky Neighbor

Smth very unrealistic other than the fact he became a dildo LOL is how willing he was to be in a relationship even tho he previously wouldn’t even sleep with the same girl more than once LMAO

Freshly back from a hiatus and we are thrown into some angst already DAMN!

Sai created a topic of Don't Be Nice To Me

This was such a good read!!! It’s characters all feel very real to me and so did the pace ^_^

Sai created a topic of Sonna ni Iu Nara Daiteyaru
Sai created a topic of Payback

Wait I’m like a little lost with names, who’s jimin and Hyeongseok

Sai created a topic of Punch Drunk Love

Mr Jeong finally learning everything he thought about seon woo was the complete opposite was so satisfying like FINALLY!!

See notice how he said “I won’t stop even if u beg” but then continues to stop and make sure that he’s not going too far..I KNOW THATS RIGHT!!

Sai created a topic of Checkmate(TAN)

I forgot soohyun had siblings they r both so pretty tho

Lolol I love how they deciding to keep filming even after getting with each other

Sai followed a list

A list of BL works I enjoyed reading

- no rape between main characters
- consent is priority
- non-abusive & non-heteronormative relationship
- some contain dub-con scenes but I'll make sure to put TW
- ongoing works that turn out problematic will be deleted
- rating depends on my personal preference

☆ = fave

Part 2:

12 11,2023
Sai created a topic of Shutline

Shin fake smiling looks so funny LOL

Why didn’t he just tell him we can do it another time…that way he’s not completely turning him down like come on now..anyways gl dealing with ur choices duho