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Lulie_coe April 9, 2021 8:34 am

I dont like that the author sexualized minors which is why I'm reading it here to not support the author but I am upset to see it go for now but I understand there is no excuse for this I don't care what you say

    mari April 10, 2021 5:12 am

    So it's not ok for him to make art "sexualizing minors" but its ok for you to read it lol? Sounds hypocritical to me. Btw the rating recently went up to 19+ and lezhin will still be paying him for it :) wonder if you'll still be interested in reading when the new explicit chapters come out :)

    Lulie_coe April 11, 2021 10:23 am
    So it's not ok for him to make art "sexualizing minors" but its ok for you to read it lol? Sounds hypocritical to me. Btw the rating recently went up to 19+ and lezhin will still be paying him for it :) wonder ... mari

    The author is a shotacon meaning they like they like young boys body's also they've drawn the characters in sexualized clothing on stripper poles and aren't the characters in high school? Also haven't you heard of "separating art from the creator" I'm still gonna read it but I'm not supporting the creator thank you:)

    BubblyBakugo April 14, 2021 2:11 am
    So it's not ok for him to make art "sexualizing minors" but its ok for you to read it lol? Sounds hypocritical to me. Btw the rating recently went up to 19+ and lezhin will still be paying him for it :) wonder ... mari

    you gotta point there lol

    ma boie April 19, 2021 3:33 am

    That is just sad. Imagine hating on someone and you keep saying. "Omg dont support him hes a pedo" and then proceeds to read the story. I get that reading here doesnt supoort him. But like thats so pathetic. Its like your just making up a excuse to hate on someone who just draws sightly lewd characters. And then you read the lewd minors story. I dont see you around when nsfw artist draw kanna art the fuck.

    Lulie_coe April 19, 2021 8:59 am
    That is just sad. Imagine hating on someone and you keep saying. "Omg dont support him hes a pedo" and then proceeds to read the story. I get that reading here doesnt supoort him. But like thats so pathetic. It... ma boie

    Yeah cuz im not willingly looking for kanna art i stay away from that stuff- and who said I don't report/argue with nsfw artists who draw underage characters. I have multiple times why are you acting like you know me?? also the comic helped me in a really dark place ofcourse I'm going to stick with it.look it's like konoyashis dragon maid, the creator is a lolicon but I used to watch it illegally to not support the creator. As I see it me not supporting the creator is the best I can do to set my mind at peice, not yours. Also slightly lewd is still bad for a minor. they are literally in high school.

Lulie_coe April 6, 2021 8:12 am


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