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uwubabi October 20, 2020 3:16 am


Okay so I was on novel updates and apparently the real villain is the father .
The father had two wives right his first one and the black haired one . His first wife was bullied a lot (they called her barren even tho she was pregnant so ...) especially by the second wife. the second wife even tried to/got her killed . The father who BELIEVES IN NEUTRALITY does NOTHING . The first wife now heart broken that her love let this happen to her makes a deal with a demon to protect her child and get revenge . But sadly the child is already dead the demon simply posses the body which brings it back to life . That’s probably why new daughter can control things the demon. So original girl is the only daughter becasue technically the other one died . And the first wife had a brother and he wanted revenge and apparently I’m the first story like they get said revenge because the saintess dies and the world descends to chaos . The father however is the reason the time travel happens but HE KNEW WHO HIS REAL DAUGHTER WAS AND STILL KILLED HER . IT DOESNT MAKE SENSE . in the end he loses and is left by himself with his neutrality as both his kids denounce him and leave the house :).

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They may not be the hottest 07-23 03:58

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