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hoerlli created a topic of Reunion

can someone please PLEASEEE for the love of god translate the last 2 chapters I have been waiting for this moment for so long ONLY TO BE ROBBED OF IT WTFFFF MANTA I'm gonna cry ;_;

hoerlli like the answer
Tbh, I get bored/tired of BL sometimes, too, and have taken various breaks because of this. But I get bored of any genre after I've read it for too long. I suggest reading something else from a different genre. And about the SA being normalized in BL, it's so true. Like, I have dropped SO MANY BLs because of this. But I do want to point out that t......
hoerlli created a topic of Boss Bitch Baby

am I the only one who's curious about the manhwas at the start of the chapters?!?? man some of them be looking hella interesting does anyone know any of their names? I'm at chp47 rn