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Isn’t shuumei’s sister an…adult? I don’t think she is in high school is she? Please tell me I’m wrong

Finally a comment section that actually has some brain cells, thank guys for being normal and realize this story is simply shit

Mapau1009 like the answer
Ain't no way I'm catchin my name under here. I smell like vanilla, hoes
Mapau1009 followed a goer


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19 12,2023

I think it’s completely normal to critique something that you are reading in terms of its quality, but where are y’all coming from?? Like I have seen worst stories with people simping over the worst characters but now on THIS story you decide to draw the line??

Is this author allergic to creating bad stories cause omg, all her art and couples are amazing

Mapau1009 created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

I hate that trope, it may not be grooming but it is still weird af. Maybe I’ll just skip to the next arc when this is done

Mapau1009 followed a list

My Ultimate BDSM list!!!
What does BDSM stand for you ask?
Bible discussions and study meetings ofc ;)

#1 - #36 are my personal recommendations
#37 - #64 is bondage
#65 - #72 are dom ukes and sub semes
#73 - #90 is pet play, exhibitionism, CNC roleplays
#153 - #170 are smutty/hardcore oneshots with taboos
#171 and on are femdom (hetero, yuri)

go ahead and recommend if you liked this list <3

maybe even tell me you fav kink in messages 

24 08,2023