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Dude that squid ink ain’t gonna come off for at least a week TT

I was helping my mom prep squid and it decided to piss ink on my arms and that shit did NOT come off

Dude I’m so scared in what order their future visions will come true

If Mo-ah’s premonition comes true first that means Jihan and her will have a happy ending cause he did see a wonderful future together

bUT IF JIHAN’S COMES TRUE FIRST brother ima fucking cry

Bro I’m too excited when it turns from enemies to lovers is insane

The lil girl was so adorable TT
I’m glad they’re updating this again

(☞☉—☉) ☞ created a topic of High School Boy

Ayo we got a brocon here

The crazy af situations the mc goes through is so fuckinf funny it’s addicting

(☞☉—☉) ☞ created a topic of Only Kind to Me

I swear the classmates boutta get whooped sooner or later

Damn that art style is so good

Like it scratches a certain part of my brain

(☞☉—☉) ☞ created a topic of Drick's Heat

The absolute mind break bro suffered through TT

he even did the hentai mf peace sign pose

Lmaooo he had a wet dream

(☞☉—☉) ☞ created a topic of Rain Advisory

The lil dude just observing with a cup of tea is literally us lmao

Bro idk why the comments on the main page of the manhwa were so bad

Like it’s getting pretty good especially around like chapter 20

(☞☉—☉) ☞ created a topic of Little Mushroom

The way he took his time to set up the doll just to mess with our lil mushroom

Is just too funny

(☞☉—☉) ☞ created a topic of Regas

My god they r too adorable

Fuck ik it won’t last long judging by the comments but I wish it would TT

The panda apron fitting for its life TT

(☞☉—☉) ☞ created a topic of Be My Baby

I love how the secretary puts up with his shenanigans