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God_of_Tiddies created a topic of Lee Seop's Romance

Firstly. This has so much potential to be a K-drama. Secondly, MAN IS HUNGRY ASF. He's hungry like Sun Jae. Fuck he might be hungrier than Sun Jae. Thirdly, HE'S A LOSER. He has that loser cutie patootie core like Sun Jae and Min Min. AND LASTLY I LOVE HIM SM. JUST LOOK AT THE WAY HE'S COMMUNICATING. HE USE WAY MORE THAN WORDS. IM DYING. He got to the point and cause no misunderstanding. MA'AM HE SERVED AND DELIVERED. I might be crazy or delulu but IS HE GRINDING ON HER.. FUCK. (ngl I'd do the same if she so pretty like that. and look at the little details of her squished mouth when he kissed her. God i love the art so much i can eat if for three meals a day)

This is me realizing she cried and appreciate her mother's hug so much because she might not have much more hugs in the future. (Im not crying. This is just a martial arts techniques. Sweating eyes)

Based on what the dragon said, Sedin is a bug. My delulu ass cooked up a theory. So when MC clears the story and remove bug, TAKE SEDIN HOME WITH YOU TO YOUR WORLD. Let the og Renee' be with the crown prince or anything. Much better let Renee' and up with Ledin(?), the saintess. Much better than that psycho crown ass prince. Yuri road my beloved. Or platonically.

I'm afraid of being bitten tho but I'll gladly donate some of my O type blood. Man need delicious blood too. AND POOR MAN, GIVE HIM HIS CROQUET . IDK USE NEEDLE OR SOMETHING JUST TAKE MY BLOOD AND EAT YOUR CROQUET. IM SO SAD FOR YOU. THE CROQUET LOOKS MAD DELICIOUS

I read the last panel as "if you want a second season, beg"
Author im so ready to beg

God_of_Tiddies created a topic of Boys dormitory 303

That one panel of Ba Ping with big ahh nose. NOOO WHERE'S MY CUTE BA PING WITH LOVE MOUTH AND HIS LIL FANGIES

Omegaverse where the relationship is mutual,. consented, fluffy, mature and great plot?! LET ME IN . LET ME IIINNNN!!!!. THIS WHOLE ASS GREEN FOREST. BOTH INITIATES AND BOTH GIVE EACH OTHER TIME AND ROOM. BRO THIS IS PEAK CONTENT. PLUS WE GOT BOTH POV? OMG AND THEY WAY THEY SIMP FOR EACH OTHER?! OH GOD I NEED THEM BABIES RN. SO CUTE ADORABLE FLUFFY ♾/10 . TOTALLY RECOMMEND. (P/s: i commented until ch22. We don't know what might happen in the future. Though i have high hopes. Pls be good.

This is where you know, reality fucking hurt. It's heartbreaking that her brain is trying to cope with pain by being delusional. Otherwise she might breakdown so hard. "I'm trying to get reincarnated". She's basically suicidal rn. Filled with thoughts to kill herself and even finding ways to do so. This story might need trigger warning.


He got Im Sol's umbrella aaaaaaaaaa

God_of_Tiddies created a topic of Selena

He ate her like a beast now got the damn divorce certificate?! Wtf. She might as well be knocked up rn. But man are you fr?

I saw a baby and a father -normal

"leave if you're trying to manipulate me" LMAOO I'll disintegrate right there and then if he said that to me.

I'm sorry. But the sudden kabedon make my knees weak ngl. Plot aside, she's tall and kinda fine . I'll hug her if she kabedon me like that. I'll leave the duke and marry her.

He clingy. Stupid ass didn't want to communicate. But he clingy. Cute.

I didn't read yet but ran to the comments bcs the art is so bl lmao. Imma binge it rn

Once he got his leg, he will have his confidence back. Let me do the math. Confidence=manly pride. Confidence=brave. Confidence to loved and be love again. He'll feel worthy again. He will have confidence to pursue the fl. In conclusion when he got his leg, and the third leg, they're gonna bang so hard the mansion will fall. Bye.

Fl you stay there. Let me handle this red hair. *Pull up my sleeve* i can take him. (In everything but a fight)