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A fluffy yaoi manga, with multiple one of them the uke mc and the seme (Hina-chan, I think it's the way the uke call him) sleep together, bath together, they do everything together (even their parents thinks that they are dating, but they aren't)....the seme confess to the uke, but the uke misundersted because he think that the seme has already someone he likes (of course, it's the uke)...thank you!
2018-02-17 20:43 marked
Shoujo with badass girl mc, can also be an anti-hero
2018-02-22 19:19 marked
Looking for yaoi with more fluff than drama like Honto Yajuu, Koi Saku Potager, etc.!
2018-03-05 06:51 marked
This is a weird request but do you know any yaoi manga where they have random conversations during sex?
2018-12-03 05:57 marked