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Karitoriki's feed

According to the spoilers

The alpha finds out that the omega Is the beta's dad
But he does not end the relationship with the omega
And y'all are pissed

I'm not defending anyone here but
Y'all have to be crazy or dumb or crazily dumb

You expect the alpha to perform a noble act to stop cheating just because he found out the omega is his boyfriend's dad?
A book based on cheating?
Be ffr

Im Jaehan has gone too far to do anything morally right tbh
Y'all should stop expecting any justly act from him

Cus look at it
If he stops his whole cheating fiasco
He'll lose them both... after all the lying and betrayal
It's not worth him stopping... he's gone beyond repentance atp
The only option is if the omega reject him

Once again I'm not defending anyone
But y'all should stop having expectations from the wrong person