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Yeo like topic of Netkama Punch!!!

nah im livid I read all raws (pretty sure it ends at 82 chaps) and they do the dirty but absolutely nothing is shown lmao. They really laying on thick with the shounen-ai

Yeo like topic of Netkama Punch!!!

I completed it with the raws and guys. This story is amazing. No drama, no toxicity and the best teasing ever... This is such a breath of fresh air compared to the childish relationship dynamics out there. This goes straight to my favourites. Each chapter hooks u up so much, I've never been eager to read something in a while and this is a 10000/10

Does anyone have the raws for this manga¿

Yeo like topic of Placebo Memories

are there any raws for this? My patience is testing me, I wanna read the next chap so bad and I know the update here will take moooonttthhhsssssss

Yeo like topic of My Guildmate Next Door

Chapter 33- Neu changed outfit (finally). Jig9tar immediately left after he saw Neu's new appearance.

Chapter 37- Jig9tar starts to notice (≧∀≦)

Chapter 38- Jig9tar called Neu "Hyung"
(I believe he already confirmed at this point, sorry I can only read korean characters but can't understand a thing) ╥﹏╥

Chapter 40, Neu shared to his guildmates (Jig9tar is also there) that the design of his new character design was based on his neighbor nextdoor. The guildmates teased him if he likes his neighbor, Neu said he only like the style (something along those lines). While Jig9tar was blushing so hard then left.
(I can't help but ask assistance from chatgpt to translate a bit on this part) ╥﹏╥

Chapter 41- The stalker(?) appear

Chapter 42- Neu confronted the stalker (?)

Chapter 43- Neu caught a cold and Jig9tar help him (he collapse in front of him in the apartment).

You're welcome. ╥﹏╥ I need to sleep now, I still have work later.

Can someone share me link to raws please

Yeo like topic of Double Trap

day 69 of being edged. i have lost the ability to use my third leg and have resorted to stroking using my left hand due to my right being covered in bruises. my vision is blurry. i sweat profusely. please release my meat and I.

Yeo like topic of My Guildmate Next Door

I need more chapters im tweaking im this close to reading all the raws even tho i cant understand shit, his is too good sobsss

But ofc great job to the translation team thank you for always churning out great quality chapters i love u guys

Yeo like topic of Monday'saviour

i saw the raws and im ... flabbergasted