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Lili sama July 2, 2021 12:28 am

i dont even wanna read the other couples omfg im just crying so goddamn hard

Lili sama June 19, 2021 10:13 pm

i cant believe they actually got a happy ending fuck im crying so hard.. after watching the whole series and the movies this is just heart warming and wholesome in a way

Lili sama's questions ( All 1 )

Lili sama July 31, 2023 2:49 am

Looking for a bl manhwa that i read a year or 2 ago. The plot is basically like there are 2 police men(uke and seme), and so i dont remember much of it but they had a murder case and all the while it was the seme doing it and uke slowly puts the image together while being fwb/bfs (dont remember) and at the very end i thinkre on the road with police cars because the seme was found out and uke was with him so seme kills himself or something like that. Anymore detail i remember is that seme was stereotypical top, tall, buff, and i think some shade of blonde? It was also colored i think fully

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