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HOLY+WATER created a topic of Jinx

Someone spoil me on this . I’ve given up all hopes of jae changing , there’s bout 1% of hope left and it’s just cause he look hot .

HOLY+WATER created a topic of Free in Dreams

Great now she has ptsd .. and he’s moving away soon . Fuck me.

HOLY+WATER created a topic of Monster and Ghost

He better fucking resurrect , I can’t be crying

HOLY+WATER created a topic of Betrayal of Dignity

My apologies.. I found that hot bye

HOLY+WATER created a topic of Gig of the Day

Abeg.. my hands are already full with jaekyung from jinx … can’t this one be a walking green flag for once ??

HOLY+WATER created a topic of Free in Dreams

Does the author not want this to end ( i fucking don’t either ) but now a reverse of roles ?? HAPPINESS AND HOT MOMENTS IS ALL WE WANT . FEED US!!

HOLY+WATER created a topic of Raise wa Tanin ga Ii

Rent was due !!!

HOLY+WATER created a topic of Gig of the Day

Yeah hm mhm his dick is big .

HOLY+WATER created a topic of Jinx

No .. not dan being a target bcuz of that stuck up jerk . Bro , someone catch the author rq , like where tf is this going ?? 40+ ch in and that mf shows no character improvement . In the end dan better become the cold hearted and move on causeeee

HOLY+WATER created a topic of Betrayal of Dignity

It’s not enough … more .
But then I’m toxic enough to want him to crawl beg and for her to take him back

HOLY+WATER created a topic of Gig of the Day

So far it’s actually cute lmao , please update like your life depend of it thanks

HOLY+WATER created a topic of Free in Dreams

Someone spoil me and tell me he was only being a horny lil thing 제발!!!

Emperor : *drags that defective barbie in jail , putting her right back in her place and placing lass above her*
Me respectfully : sir , a tear just ran down my leg.

HOLY+WATER created a topic of Jinx

This is it , I’m blocking the author .

HOLY+WATER created a topic of For My Abandoned Love

Girl don’t even get me started HOLD THAT DIC- I mean hand .

HOLY+WATER created a topic of Free in Dreams

Now please , dear author feed my delusions and coochie with proper romance and hot moments ty

HOLY+WATER created a topic of Limited Run

“This is it ? “
- my starving coochie.

I hate it here all of a sudden , the author just said «  have a nice year .. IN HELL CAUSE YALL GONN DIE OF STRESS »