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•ERZA• created a topic of Never Understand

Alright, the first few chapter it feels very wholesome and you know just some cute scenes from our handsome ml and cutesy-ugly mc. It was very good and I liked that. Most especially when they started to like each other and then they finally became a couple. Now I guess this is where it starts? It feels dark, like really. I just finished reading this and let me tell you I cried freaking hard from all those heartwrenching scenes. All in all, I can rate it to 5/10? Only because I like the first half.

All throughout the manga, the only major character who didn't change for the worst is Jaerim. I love Jaerim. It won't change, especially after reading this. Now for Yuri, I love him too, however there are just some things that I can't let go. First, the fact that he wants to be with Jaerim at first ONLY because he only feels happiness whenever they're together. Oh, that should be a good reason right? But he's treating him like a clown, and for that I just nonono. Second, he literally insulted him? Okay, it's an outburst because of what he feels at that time. But did he apologize for that? No, he just walked away, leaving Jaerim into a poor sobbing mess. Jaerim was always the one to seek him whenever something happened. Third, the girls were bullying him! He literally has bald sports, bruises all over his body and face! That should've made Yuri sus about it, thinking that bullying already happened to his friend before, he shouldve thought maybe it's happening to Jaerim too. He didn't do anything about it, it was that Hyung who helped him (but I loath that hyung too after he did THAT to him) Fourth! HE SAW HIM BEING ASSAULTED BY SOMEONE! Instead of walking away after seeing your boyfriend lying down with someone on top of him, you shouldve went to him and demanded an explaination. What wouldve happen then if that glassess guy werent there? He will just walk away then? Thinking that he's betrayed AGAIN?! your man is literally being assaulted, but he walked away. He deserve the beating. The hyung should've also gotten many too. How dare he lay a finger to someone just because his love orders him to?? How dare he do that to someone? He should've been punished too, but he wasnt. Dang. Oh whatever it was a good read but not reading it again