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(BL) God/supernatural being x Mortal(11) 2022-08-22 0

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chaoticmess February 28, 2024 7:29 am

Glasses guy reminded me of my ex so much I couldn’t enjoy this manga at all LMAO such a fuckass. I feel so bad for ML, hope they break up and he finds better.

chaoticmess December 7, 2023 4:03 am

OF COURSE the dubcon of the sex scene considering Aki was drunk rubbed me the wrong way and just wasn’t okay… But I don’t get why yall think Yuu manipulated or took advantage of Aki consciously or with ill-intent? I think it’s clear that Yuu was 100% thinking they were dating and/or that their romantic feelings were mutual. He literally said that regardless of how much Aki liked him he shouldn’t have gone too far that soon (talking about the jerking off scene) and Aki didn’t refuse the claim. Yuu always made his romantic intentions 100% clear and (from Yuu’s POV) Aki was undoubtedly reciprocating. Even in the hotel scene it was Aki who said that they should enjoy the experience and Yuu even asked if he knew what he was implying with that (again I’m not defending the drunk sex, it WAS WRONG, I’m only trying to put the scene into perspective). That’s why when Yuu realized that Aki in fact didn’t feel the same he shot his shoot with the other girl, he was just trying to get over someone who he felt played by… This story was a big miscommunication/misunderstanding plot which would have been fine if the author didn’t add the dubcon element to it and make it way more complicated… I usually really like these silly plots and I thought the MC and ML were cute (I love a down bad ML) but I don’t fuck with dubcon at all so this story was ruined for me because of that. I just think that 80% of the comments here either didn’t understand the story or pay attention to it and it’s annoying lol you can criticize something (and this story is asking to be criticized) but at least do it right…

    chaoticmess December 7, 2023 4:09 am

    Tbh this feels like either:
    a) We’re missing a scene right after the hotel scene where Aki explains the misunderstanding and they go their separate ways
    b) Something is being lost in the translation
    c) The author is weird and likes dubcon idk.

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a lesbian that can only read mlm because she cries too much when she reads wlw

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