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androspinx October 25, 2016 5:00 am

okay, there is this one story i've read a couple of times and basically the plot is these two guys are friends and one of them as an 'ass fetish' (If i remember correctly it's the ukes fault from when they were young) and he basically pleads the other (the uke) to lend him his ass and it develops from there (Also i think the uke is in love with him prior to this 'development' but i'm not sure) I would really really like to read this again and i'm sh*t at remembering the names of stories ;-;

androspinx October 8, 2016 3:21 am

a seme like the one from kichiku, en count (chiichan) mostly appearance wise and personality wise? any comments would be greatly appreciated (=・ω・=)

androspinx October 6, 2016 1:01 am

okay there was a manga I read sometime last year, it was pretty screwy but really interesting. the uke was a high ranking person in some army and he's captured as a war prisoner (I remember everyone thinking he was really pretty in the manga) the seme is part of who captured him and proceeds to rape him in front of a bunch of people (I believe they were lower ranking officers of the seme's army) after a few chapters the seme falls in love with the uke and makes him stay in his room and wear women's kimonos, this eventually gets the seme in trouble. another thing i remember happening is the ukes second in command (or something like that) gets himself captured as well. and towards the end the seme helps set the prisoners free (this last part might be a different manga ;-;) as a bonus chapter or the end the seme visits the uke back at his home. it was a really good story (though it's really dark at times) and I really want to read it again, sorry that I'm not sure whether i'm mixing the story up or not, but if anyone can find it it would be greatly appreciated ( ̄∇ ̄")

    LessThanThree October 6, 2016 1:14 am

    That sounds like Fuyu no Semi but with rape and a less depressing ending. Nah, but I've got no clue, sorry.

    Anonymous October 6, 2016 1:23 am
    androspinx October 6, 2016 2:21 am
    That sounds like Fuyu no Semi but with rape and a less depressing ending. Nah, but I've got no clue, sorry. LessThanThree

    thanks for trying anyway :)

    androspinx October 6, 2016 2:21 am @Anonymous

    that was it! thanks a lot! IDK why I wanted to read this one again but thank you! ^_^

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