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zionsleftpinky created a topic of Yours to Claim

imagine having a precious bby like cain and then not choosing him. big L for jooin.

zionsleftpinky created a topic of Night Song

did someone say champagne confetti???

zionsleftpinky created a topic of 99.99% Lovers

wow. i'm so glad that i started reading this now at 40+ chapters in because if i read this at the beginning and had to wait for updates, i would've dropped it by the way the MC was treated.....

the ML's character growth was CRAZY. If the first part of their relationship wasn't so shitty, he would be such a green flag.

i think my fav thing about this series is that they actually show the MC pregnant, and the intimacy of the two characters during pregnacy !! (i have no comment on how the baby looks bc that is a whole ass child, not a baby)

overall, glad i started reading this and i hope the wholesome moments continue

zionsleftpinky created a topic of Punch Drunk Love

mmm another fountain added to the list

zionsleftpinky created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

bby's asking for permission??? the amount of character growth that cirrus has been through is everything !!


It's actually so funny how predictable and laughable the absolute horrible choices both characters are making but here i am eating this shit up and coming back every update ahahahahahahaha

zionsleftpinky created a topic of Omega Complex
zionsleftpinky created a topic of Yours to Claim

the way i don't care about jooin and yawhi..... i just want to know more about cain and want him to be fkn happy