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takahirochou created a topic of Backlight

We’re just going on circles now. Come on

takahirochou created a topic of Acanthus
takahirochou created a topic of Afterglow

Ashitaba-san… I see you… sir

takahirochou created a topic of Jinx

Gosh jaekyung you beautiful bastard

takahirochou created a topic of My Secret Stalker
takahirochou created a topic of Boku no Hero Academia

Lmao Denki making an entry my cooked as fuck

Ukano really reminds me of my love Ichimaru Gin *cries

takahirochou created a topic of Gig of the Day

Gosh Yeomin my child my baby

takahirochou created a topic of Wait, I Love You
takahirochou created a topic of Finder

I will never get tired of Akihito’s bubble butt!!

takahirochou created a topic of Jinx

“I feel like fucking shit.”


takahirochou created a topic of One Side in Room

I’m palpitating and I feel like my chest is being squeezed from the angst WE WANT MORE

takahirochou created a topic of Backlight

Excuse me y’all I’m just gonna cha cha my way into Mr. Cha’s pants byeee

takahirochou created a topic of Wait, I Love You

Hmm yeah fuck you kitagawa

takahirochou created a topic of Sugar Rain

Helbert is such a meep morp zeep goddamn

takahirochou created a topic of Kiraide Isasete

As a middle child, I feel so much for my baby Minato

takahirochou created a topic of Yankee to Carameliser

Oh the urge to slap tiktok boy upside in the head