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Mel Moon created a topic of Gig of the Day

Haish I would reread this so many times just to see yeomin (ãĨīŋŖ ÂŗīŋŖ)ãĨ

Mel Moon created a topic of Steel Under Silk

I'm just skimming this chapter thanks to the comments i understand it better

Mel Moon created a topic of 99 Boss

Kinda feel bad for inshim. But he really need to do something about his snot and learn how to read a room

Mel Moon created a topic of Legs That Won't Walk

Ahhhhhhh I like this one alot!!!!!

Mel Moon created a topic of Honto Yajuu

Am I gonna have to wait another year â•Ĩīšâ•Ĩ

Mel Moon created a topic of You Who Wants to Love

Hoping there's a story for the triplets too

I hope the ending is like kill the villainess. She should go back to her world with sedin

Mel Moon created a topic of Legs That Won't Walk

Who was that third guy?? COME ON!! IT CAN'T END HERE

Mel Moon created a topic of Solo Leveling

Official translation!! Meaning I have to read it again!! (⌒â–Ŋ⌒)

Mel Moon created a topic of Love Me Dramatically

Oh come on!! There should be a continuation for tje switch role!!

Mel Moon created a topic of 4 Week Lovers

OMGGGG hoping there's a story about the brother's love with the gangster

Mel Moon created a topic of Gig of the Day