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Haneul June 21, 2021 11:08 pm

Just how many times is the nanny going to be fooled by her until she learns not to trust her, like this is the time how many that the young miss has escaped?

Haneul June 20, 2021 12:35 pm

I’m probably going to be attacked for this, but I strongly feel like the MC isn’t gay. He was married to a woman and he was in love with her and he never had sexual problems with her, so where is this strong desire to be held by a man coming from? I think the only reason why he enjoys having sex with guys is because of his trauma and because his body got used to the idea of being raped, the desire for a guy to have sex with him is purely an the instinct of lust, his body is enjoying it while his mind and soul and mental health are being tortured, it’s like drugs for him, no matter how much you hate it or want to quit it, you’re simply addicted to it and to the feeling of orgasm and detachment from reality, it’s like a constant battle to get your mind from the very thing you’re struggling with, I don’t think sleeping around with guys is going to help him make peace with his trauma. I genuinely hope he gets proper treatment with a therapist, and if then he decided to have a relationship with guys and come out as gay or even bi, then I’d believe it’s rational and acceptable. Until then, this fucked up relation he has with sex is only going to ruin him and break him, he’s not in the right state of mind to be in relationship…sorry if I was ranting for too long, it’s just my perspective as a reader and I wanted to share it

    Gojoisbabe June 20, 2021 1:52 pm

    You’re right, I was checking out the raws and just like you said it’s mostly a relationship about sex from what it looks like to me and i think he probably won’t end up with neither of them

    Jass June 23, 2021 12:13 am
    You’re right, I was checking out the raws and just like you said it’s mostly a relationship about sex from what it looks like to me and i think he probably won’t end up with neither of them Gojoisbabe

    In reality he and up with both of them

    Gojoisbabe June 23, 2021 3:42 am
    In reality he and up with both of them Jass

    Omg really…

    Avanaïs June 28, 2021 9:16 am

    bisexual people exist.

    Jass June 28, 2021 11:57 am
    bisexual people exist. Avanaïs

    This is not the point of her analogy, she said that the mc enjoys having sex with guys because of his trauma and because his body got used to the idea of being raped.

    Haneul June 28, 2021 1:33 pm
    This is not the point of her analogy, she said that the mc enjoys having sex with guys because of his trauma and because his body got used to the idea of being raped. Jass

    Thank you ┗( T﹏T )┛

    Jass June 28, 2021 2:21 pm
    Thank you ┗( T﹏T )┛ Haneul

    Np (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    Avanaïs June 28, 2021 2:27 pm
    This is not the point of her analogy, she said that the mc enjoys having sex with guys because of his trauma and because his body got used to the idea of being raped. Jass

    Saying "he was in love with a woman and never had any issues" is a weird way to try to support that point though. You can be comitted to someone of the opposite sex and still experience same sex attraction. I'm not even arguing against their point, I'm just saying they seem to be thinking very much in terms of just "gay vs straight".

    Jass June 28, 2021 2:41 pm
    Saying "he was in love with a woman and never had any issues" is a weird way to try to support that point though. You can be comitted to someone of the opposite sex and still experience same sex attraction. I'm... Avanaïs

    She said that he could came out as gay or bi so I don't think

    Jass June 28, 2021 2:43 pm
    She said that he could came out as gay or bi so I don't think Jass

    That she only thinking of him as gay or straight

    Jass June 28, 2021 2:48 pm

    Anyway I didn't mean to sound rude or anything and damn, my English is pretty bad xD

    Avanaïs June 28, 2021 4:11 pm
    Anyway I didn't mean to sound rude or anything and damn, my English is pretty bad xD Jass

    No you're fine lol I'm not even trying to argue or anything, I was just trying to point out that sexuality is more complicated than that if that makes sense. I didn't mean to sound rude either

    Haneul June 28, 2021 7:53 pm
    No you're fine lol I'm not even trying to argue or anything, I was just trying to point out that sexuality is more complicated than that if that makes sense. I didn't mean to sound rude either Avanaïs

    I think maybe next time you should read everything I said before attacking me, I literally said that I think he’s straight and only wants to have sex with guys because of his trauma but in any case he got proper treatment with a therapist and still felt like he’s attracted the same sex, THEN I think it would be logical for him to come out as gay or even BISEXUAL

    Avanaïs June 28, 2021 10:47 pm
    I think maybe next time you should read everything I said before attacking me, I literally said that I think he’s straight and only wants to have sex with guys because of his trauma but in any case he got pro... Haneul

    I wasn't attacking you, and I did read the whole thing. I was referring to the fact that you used him being with a woman as evidence for him being straight, because that doesn't actually mean anything in terms of his sexuality. I'm sorry if I came off as rude, I should've been more clear. But also, he doesn't need a therapist to determine his sexuality. Yes right now he's using sex with men as a coping mechanism (he even calls it exposure therapy), but that doesn't mean any feelings he might develop during this time wouldn't be valid. You don't have to be healthy to discover things like that about yourself. Again, not attacking you, I'm just sharing my point of view.

    Misurose June 29, 2021 6:50 am
    You’re right, I was checking out the raws and just like you said it’s mostly a relationship about sex from what it looks like to me and i think he probably won’t end up with neither of them Gojoisbabe

    Can you pls give me the RAWS pls I been searching for it but could not have find please I really appreciate it if you did

    LEVI x Broom June 29, 2021 8:30 am

    So is that the same for me , being raped and end up liking girls but i feel like i want to hs w guy too because that past and yeah i getting used to it , but it also scared me my mental got worst but at same Times i want it so bad.


    Haneul June 29, 2021 12:31 pm
    I wasn't attacking you, and I did read the whole thing. I was referring to the fact that you used him being with a woman as evidence for him being straight, because that doesn't actually mean anything in terms ... Avanaïs

    Look, I’m going to make it as simple as I can.
    1) he needs a therapist not to determine his sexuality but to overcome the trauma that caused him to have an addiction to have sex with guys, an addiction he didn’t have before he was raped
    2) I think he’s straight not because he was married to woman but because he never showed interest in the same sex, I just used that as a proof, nothing more nothing less
    3) he could be gay or bi or whatever the fuck he wants, I just don’t think he’s in the right mind to decide that. AND YES MENTAL TRAUMA COULD CLOUD YOUR JUDGMENT AND MAKE YOU CONFUSED
    4) All I know for sure that in this very moment he’s not screwing around with guys because he’s gay but because he is stuck in the time where he was raped by a guy on a daily basis. If anything having sex with a guy will only trigger all the bad memories he had
    5)He doesn’t need sex or love to heal from his trauma, HE NEEDS THERAPY
    6) His only escape from what happened to him is to have sex to get his mind off what he experienced, and sex is not the solution
    If I still couldn’t get my point through, then let’s just agree on disagreeing. We can have different opinions and point of views and that’s okay, I mean this story is meant to be discussed and criticised. I hope I wasn’t rude or disrespectful

    Haneul June 29, 2021 12:34 pm
    So is that the same for me , being raped and end up liking girls but i feel like i want to hs w guy too because that past and yeah i getting used to it , but it also scared me my mental got worst but at same Ti... LEVI x Broom

    I hope you’re feeling better and have all the emotional support and love you need. I’m no expert or am I a therapist so I wouldn’t know if it’s the case for you, I only told my opinion on this story as a reader nothing more nothing less.

    Avanaïs June 29, 2021 3:49 pm
    Look, I’m going to make it as simple as I can. 1) he needs a therapist not to determine his sexuality but to overcome the trauma that caused him to have an addiction to have sex with guys, an addiction he did... Haneul

    You don't decide your sexuality. And just because you discovered your sexuality during a bad time doesn't mean it's not valid or that you're just "confused". He came out as bi in the last chapter btw

    Haneul June 29, 2021 8:54 pm
    You don't decide your sexuality. And just because you discovered your sexuality during a bad time doesn't mean it's not valid or that you're just "confused". He came out as bi in the last chapter btw Avanaïs

    I’m tired of this discussion, but yeah totally there’s nothing more realistic and logical than discovering your sexual identity after being raped. This is a fucked up manhwa and it was since the beginning nothing made sense about it and top of that he ends up in a poly relationship. Whoever made this manhwa is the one who needs therapy. Please let’s end this argument here, I’ve also decided to drop this because, the plot is stupid and it’s basically a lot of sex with a little bit of a side story. Goodbye

    Avanaïs June 29, 2021 9:12 pm
    I’m tired of this discussion, but yeah totally there’s nothing more realistic and logical than discovering your sexual identity after being raped. This is a fucked up manhwa and it was since the beginning n... Haneul

    Lmao omg. The author doesn't need therapy just because you're incapable of understanding the story. That's super disrespectful to say. There's nothing illogical or unrealistic about discovering new things about yourself while recovering from trauma. The fact that you think people can't determine their own sexuality just because they have PTSD is kinda homophobic tbh. But go off I guess, bye (◍•ᴗ•◍)

    Haneul June 29, 2021 9:28 pm
    Lmao omg. The author doesn't need therapy just because you're incapable of understanding the story. That's super disrespectful to say. There's nothing illogical or unrealistic about discovering new things about... Avanaïs

    I love that we have came to the conclusion that I’m homophobic, I’m the one to blame for actually having the stupidity to get in an argument with someone who’s as close minded and and insanely stupid as you. That’s my fucking point you imbecile, he’s not recovering from his trauma he’s only making it worse, you can’t possibly be in your state of mind to discover you sexual preference after getting raped and through sex nevertheless. Besides how would you know that for sure, do you happen to have a degree in psychology by chance? Or were you a therapist in your past life? You’d making diagnosis as if you were an expert of some sort, cause if u were then I’d gladly delete my comment and retrieve everything I said, until then kindly piss off

    Avanaïs June 29, 2021 10:30 pm
    I love that we have came to the conclusion that I’m homophobic, I’m the one to blame for actually having the stupidity to get in an argument with someone who’s as close minded and and insanely stupid as y... Haneul

    You're literally saying someone with trauma is incapable of understanding themselves. That's gross af dude. Also saying an LGBT person is just confused about their sexuality and needs therapy before they can determine it is... Yikes. No I'm not a therapist I'm just a bisexual woman with the same type of trauma as the main character and I don't appreciate how hard you're trying to invalidate the sexuality of mentally ill LGBT people. You don't need to be mentally healthy to know who you are. Stop infantilizing people with PTSD. I really hope you actually stop and think about what I'm saying instead of just getting more aggressive like you've been doing. I'm genuinely just trying to explain this to you and you're getting angry for no reason.

    Haneul June 30, 2021 4:29 am
    You're literally saying someone with trauma is incapable of understanding themselves. That's gross af dude. Also saying an LGBT person is just confused about their sexuality and needs therapy before they can de... Avanaïs

    If that person wasn’t discovering their sexuality before their trauma and had no interest in the same sex, then yes they need therapy before they can determine it and maybe I’m angry because you straight up called me homophobic, let’s end this Here, none of us is going to convince the other, we have different perspectives, I have the right to think this way as much you have the right to think in that way, I’m tired of this discussion and it doesn’t seem like we’re getting anywhere we’ll just keep having countless and countless of useless and pointless arguments, so goodbye and let’s never encounter each other again.

    Avanaïs June 30, 2021 5:19 am
    If that person wasn’t discovering their sexuality before their trauma and had no interest in the same sex, then yes they need therapy before they can determine it and maybe I’m angry because you straight up... Haneul

    Funny how people get mad about being called homophobic instead of stopping to evaluate themselves and seeing if the things they're saying might actually be homophobic... And while we're at it your argument is pretty ableist too. When someone calls you out for this stuff you shouldn't double down and get defensive, you should check yourself and consider why they said that. But clearly you're more invested in your fan theory than in the experience of actual people who've experienced these things so whatever, do you. And just btw, as long as you keep replying, I will too, so if you're tired of it maybe you should just listen and move on.

Haneul June 20, 2021 12:10 pm

Legend has it, that if you find a cute stray kitty with someone you’re bound to spend the rest of your lives together (▰˘◡˘▰)

    Simp June 19, 2021 10:44 pm

    I believe it with every single cell in my body

    Haneul June 20, 2021 12:11 pm

    Also Tang tang and Chen Qingye from starting with a lie

Haneul June 16, 2021 5:57 pm

When I first started reading 19 days in 2015 I was the same year as them, next year I’m graduating from high school and they’re still in middle school

    yaoiokumakgünahmı June 16, 2021 11:31 pm

    arent they in high school?

    jaiiekekw June 17, 2021 3:20 am
    arent they in high school? yaoiokumakgünahmı

    Nope, middle school

    Kai_8861 June 17, 2021 5:50 am
    Nope, middle school jaiiekekw

    THEY IN MIDDLE SCHOOL!! I been reading this since 2015 and I really thought they were in high school this whole time.. wow I’m the one who’s getting old.

Haneul June 15, 2021 3:14 pm

There’s a big chance Daon is going to end up with Seunghyun, so I just hope that Soohyun Kim gets a side story of his own, because it’s blindly obvious that he’s madly in love with Daon and he’s going to be heartbroken

Haneul June 14, 2021 8:34 pm

I don’t read something more than once, like never…but something about 19 days feels different, like whenever I feel sad, happy, depressed bored etc etc I automatically go and read 19 days, and the thing is, I don’t ever get bored of rereading it no matter how much I do that

Haneul June 13, 2021 3:31 pm

I just read this now in one go, and I gotta say I want to say Baldie with long hair looking Handsome as fuck ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Haneul June 10, 2021 7:28 pm

For non metric system users, aka Americans (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

Haneul June 9, 2021 5:22 pm

Man I feel so bad for Taejoo, he was a bit mean to MC, but he suffered a lot too, he’s probably not going to end up with either of them, so I just hope that at some point they pair him with a decent human being who also won’t leave him suffering for 5 years

    Michellei June 9, 2021 5:33 pm

    fr taejoo deserves to be happy too

Haneul June 7, 2021 2:25 pm

At first I thought this manhwa was going to be boring,but the more I read the more convinced I become that this manhwa is the peak of boring ( ̄へ ̄)

    mandi?? June 7, 2021 11:17 pm

    then why are you STILL reading if it’s that boring

    Haneul June 8, 2021 1:02 pm
    then why are you STILL reading if it’s that boring mandi??

    Because I read some other works of this author, and they were interesting, so I keep having hope that it might get better

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