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jel lie July 22, 2018 5:08 pm

i read a yaoi before and i believe it was only two stories. one of the stories was about a bartender that was graduating? or just moving away so the restaurant has a going away party and they all get drunk (just remembered the bartender is russian) and his co-worker thinks the bartender is drunk and does stuff with him ( ° ʖ ° ) anyway, i didnt know how to make a list back then and i cant find it so if anyone knows what im talking about and could tell me the name i would be soooo grateful anyways thanks for even reading this far :-3

jel lie May 12, 2016 5:51 am

im trying to find a yaoi manga! the whole manga has smaller stories inside and one of the stories has 2 brothers, the younger one secretly likes the older one but holds back to not ruin their brother-bond. one day he helps the older brother with his computer and finds out he's into gay porn and and uses his name for the stuff he does.

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