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Skdoq May 30, 2021 9:24 pm

Wtf… like why is the story suddenly shifting to everything being blamed on Taiyo… like why r they making it so Taiyo is becoming more clingy and being the one who wants to be fucked… like in reality Taiyo was just fucked senseless by sora and everyone else… and now Taiyo is basically brainwashed into thinking he needs sex and sora to live, everyone acts like they never did anything wrong just cuz Taiyo now can’t live without sex like u guys think that now Taiyo isn’t crying and resisting that that means u guys can start treating taiyo like a dumb person who’s letting a “good guy” go… like sora isn’t even actually regretting what he did… he doesn’t even try to help Taiyo and instead keeps trying to make Taiyo want to be fucked

Skdoq May 9, 2021 2:34 pm

Ik ppl r gonna be like “no don’t forgive adachi” but like honestly we all know sora is gonna get forgiven but sora did worse shit to Taiyou so like if I had to choose I would rather have adachi forgiven compared to sora being forgiven

Skdoq March 6, 2021 4:57 pm

Love how Yu (or whatever his name was) acts all innocent and says Adachi is paying for his sins yet sora still hasn’t paid for what he did to Taikyo and Yu too still hasn’t done shit to make up for what he did... like I love mind break where the seme feels so much remorse that they beg for forgiveness or treat the uke w extra care but Sora just forgets everything he did to Taiyo and thinks that since Taiyo is asking for sex that he can act as if he isn’t the source of Taiyo’s mental state... also why did Taiyo apologize for saving Sora (when sora is the one who mistook Taiyo as a girl so he’s the one at fault for misunderstanding and it’s not Taiyo’s fault) like Sora really be getting trauma from getting saved rather than getting bullied... also Sora caused Taiyo worse trauma and they’re more serious too... like Taiyo was neglected and had trauma as a kid cuz of his parents and his dead dog but Sora’s actions of breaking Taiyo gets justified cuz “he had trauma from getting saved by someone he mistook for a girl” and Taiyo just keeps getting more and more trauma... also Taiyo hates being compared to a girl yet Sora finds pleasure in comparing Taiyo to girls like wtf... also Taiyo became a masochist cuz he was basically forced to (like if he didn’t start mistaking pain for feeling pleasure, Taiyo wouldn’t have been able to handle all that rape) and Sora really be acting like he’s doing Taiyo a favor by treating him roughly and having sex w Taiyo whenever he wants... like ppl should try to help Taiyo stop being addicted to sex and help him mentally recover from thinking Sora is someone he loves (like Sora literally just broke Taiyo’s mental state and Taiyo is just clinging to someone cuz he was always neglected also Taiyo was raped so much to the point he thinks that Sora is doing him a favor when Taiyo’s the one doing Sora a favor)

Skdoq November 19, 2020 11:11 am

The bartender uke guy (the second couple uke) pisses me off like he purposely slept w another guy to make the seme get angry then blames everything on the seme by acting like he didn’t deserve to be treated like a slut

    kekeke November 19, 2020 6:36 pm

    nobody should be treated like that unless they are into that sort of thing.

    Skdoq November 19, 2020 10:34 pm
    nobody should be treated like that unless they are into that sort of thing. kekeke

    But the uke shouldnt act like everything is the seme’s fault when the uke was the one who ruined their relationship also just why tf would the uke sleep w someone else just to make someone mad like that confuses me more than the seme’s actions

    sunday November 20, 2020 2:15 am

    uh lmao have you read the manga? the seme was treating him like a slave and even calling him one yeah sure he did it because he likes him which is honestly immature he couldve just say that he like the uke and wishes to be with him yet he still treated him like trash and so the uke did it just to test the line of their relationship, admittedly both of them have problems but laying it all on the uke is straight up wrong

    Skdoq November 20, 2020 3:50 am
    uh lmao have you read the manga? the seme was treating him like a slave and even calling him one yeah sure he did it because he likes him which is honestly immature he couldve just say that he like the uke and ... sunday

    I’m not saying that the seme doesn’t have any faults but the uke also did soemthing he honestly shouldn’t have making the situation worse but he puts all the blame on the seme instead which makes no sense

    sunday November 20, 2020 5:40 am
    I’m not saying that the seme doesn’t have any faults but the uke also did soemthing he honestly shouldn’t have making the situation worse but he puts all the blame on the seme instead which makes no sense Skdoq

    how does it make no sense for him to put all the boame on the seme... the seme literally abuses him hence why he is blaming him and either way they both have communication problem leading it to be the way it is

    Skdoq November 20, 2020 7:04 am
    how does it make no sense for him to put all the boame on the seme... the seme literally abuses him hence why he is blaming him and either way they both have communication problem leading it to be the way it is sunday

    But the uke didn’t mind the hitting as long as, he so says, he’s needed like I don’t agree w the abuse but the uke was fine w it like what I mentioned he said as long as he was needed he was fine w it but what did the uke expect would happen if he sleeps w another man on purpose in hopes to get caught like the relationship the uke wants to hold on to would be destroyed but the uke tells the seme that it’s his fault that the relationship deteriorated but like it was the uke sleeping w another man for the purpose of making the seme mad that made the relationship deteriorate

    kekeke November 20, 2020 3:20 pm
    But the uke didn’t mind the hitting as long as, he so says, he’s needed like I don’t agree w the abuse but the uke was fine w it like what I mentioned he said as long as he was needed he was fine w it but... Skdoq

    pickles are not that bad if you try them also like i said before NOBODY should be treated like a slut unless they into it y'know~ doesn't matter what they did k? Oh and you and sunday wrote to much i'm not finna read all dat.

    Skdoq November 20, 2020 6:22 pm
    pickles are not that bad if you try them also like i said before NOBODY should be treated like a slut unless they into it y'know~ doesn't matter what they did k? Oh and you and sunday wrote to much i'm not finn... kekeke

    Well I addressed all ur little concerns on this topic in that so if u don’t read it then ok but don’t say that I’m missing some info or something if ur not gonna read it

    kekeke November 21, 2020 3:32 am
    Well I addressed all ur little concerns on this topic in that so if u don’t read it then ok but don’t say that I’m missing some info or something if ur not gonna read it Skdoq

    first i don't have any concerns luv, all i did was say nobody should be treated like that.. like 3 times and i'v said it clearly so i don't understand how your not getting it. Anyways i bout to go to bed goodnight luv.

    Skdoq November 21, 2020 3:39 am
    first i don't have any concerns luv, all i did was say nobody should be treated like that.. like 3 times and i'v said it clearly so i don't understand how your not getting it. Anyways i bout to go to bed goodni... kekeke

    Well the uke didn’t care how he was being treated he says he wanted the seme to hit him when he found out the uke was sleeping w a random person so technically the uke didn’t care if he was hit or not and u said it’s ok if they’re into it so why are u so mad about it

    kekeke November 21, 2020 3:48 am
    Well the uke didn’t care how he was being treated he says he wanted the seme to hit him when he found out the uke was sleeping w a random person so technically the uke didn’t care if he was hit or not and u... Skdoq

    Hm? i was never mad this is just how i speak irl but um yeah i still don't understand your logic but whatever. I agree to disagree~

    Haru December 1, 2020 5:07 am

    He shouldn’t be treated like a slut. The seme used to beat him and treat him like a slave yet you’re saying he deserves to be treated like a slut just because he tested the seme? Slut shaming isn’t cute. They wasn’t even dating to begin with and it was simple miscommunication between them. Alot of people test their lovers/people they care about just to see how they really feel or their reaction. Is it right? No. But most people have a hard time communicating how they feel so they tend to test their lovers/people they care about. Also just because the uke is fine with being hit doesn’t make it right. That how every abusive/toxic relationship start. And frankly the uke and seme was both blaming each other. Instead let’s just be happy that they worked out their problems and actually communicated how they felt for each other and is happy.

    Ataxxia December 7, 2020 1:36 am

    I think the seme deserved it after treating the uke like that tho...i wouldve been pissesd if the uke didnt get some sort of revenge..Don't forget the uke was already being neglected and starved by his shitty mom so I need to protect lol. Either way it was a satisfying ending for me cuz they ended up having some sort of an equal footing at the end

    Haru December 7, 2020 7:44 am
    I think the seme deserved it after treating the uke like that tho...i wouldve been pissesd if the uke didnt get some sort of revenge..Don't forget the uke was already being neglected and starved by his shitty m... Ataxxia

    I agree

Skdoq November 19, 2020 6:16 am

Kinda feel bad for the seme cuz like he’s just trying to protect the uke from having trouble in the future also the seme is actually responsible and thinks of the consequences of things going public but the uke doesn’t think of that and keeps doubting the seme even tho the seme tries to tell him that it’s to prevent trouble from arising... like the seme is trying so hard for him and the uke but the uke just keeps doubting him and going against what the seme told him to do also the uke gets pissed really easily and that makes me feel even more bad for the seme cuz he’s just trying to protect the uke also since the uke doesn’t listen to the seme unnecessary problems keep arising causing the seme to have more work and worry

    MyLynn November 20, 2020 8:05 am

    LoL so if somebody just tells you repeatedly to trust them but doesn't bother to explain why and what is happening and his/her communication is half-explanatory, you blindly trust them for sure? Because yeah, everything you wrote is true, BUT let's talk also about how the seme cannot think just for a sec to explain WHY should the uke trust him and just briefly tell him wtf is going on. I'm not saying he has to tell him about his big secret company project whatsoever, but it would already help if seme-chan could say at least this much: "Hey, I'm involved in something big and risky right now, and if they find out about you, it would be dangerous for both of us. Plz truat me and work with me on this one" . How hard is that I mean ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ ? So let's not put all the blame and stuff on uke-chan, okay? That is just pissing me off ( ̄へ ̄)

    Sebby November 23, 2020 2:50 pm

    You know what I feel more sorry to the uke than the seme. I mean uke like seme so much and he was his first for everything so it's natural that uke will act that way. But seme didn't explain anything to him and worst is he just push the uke away from him without any explanation or a hint. Can you imagine being a place with uke. The seme hosting a party every night at his suite while the uke was not invited there so how would you feel? And he push the uke away from him that's all period. Of course the uke would feel bad. Salute the uke for being patience instead. if I'm treated like that I just feel unimportant cause you don't know anything about him.

    Skdoq November 25, 2020 1:11 pm
    LoL so if somebody just tells you repeatedly to trust them but doesn't bother to explain why and what is happening and his/her communication is half-explanatory, you blindly trust them for sure? Because yeah, e... MyLynn

    I’m not saying the seme wasn’t at fault but I was just pointing out that the uke also had fault in the problems cuz some ppl only blame the seme so I was just putting out my perspective where the uke is more at fault... tho I agree the same could’ve gave a brief explanation but I also feel like the uke would’ve tried to involve himself in the situation which would’ve also created problems... anyways thank u for commenting like this (last time I tried commented my perspective on the situation where someone else also was pissed about the same thing and ppl would get pissed and be like it’s all the seme’s fault without considering this perspective)

    Skdoq November 25, 2020 1:14 pm
    You know what I feel more sorry to the uke than the seme. I mean uke like seme so much and he was his first for everything so it's natural that uke will act that way. But seme didn't explain anything to him and... Sebby

    But if the time the uke saw how the media were trying to get all the shots they can of him and how hard he worked to hide himself from the public then the uke would’ve understood the reason also I’m not saying the seme has no faults but the fact that the seme is putting so much effort into the relationship but the uke having not even a little trust pisses me off like I stopped reading cuz I hate when trouble arises because one character has no trust while the other character is putting so much effort to solve the problems and just keeps getting doubted (like I understand the seme isn’t telling the uke everything but the seme just wants to solve this situation quickly without troubling ppl around him) so idk if the uke’s personality improves or not but since a lot of ppl don’t think about the seme and his perspective on the situation and say it’s his fault, I’m just putting out what I get from the situation where the seme isn’t at full fault (also I feel like the uke is getting a free pass because ppl feel bad for him for not having any friends but I also can see part of that being his fault because he rarely tries to initiate a conversation or insert himself into one unless it’s like a few word comment) anyways what I’m basically saying is the uke Could’ve had a little trust in the seme like dude u fell in love w someone so to overcome problems u have to trust each other even if it’s hard like if even after months it’s the same then u can start doubting and I would understand but like after few hours of being unable to meet, the uke starts doubting so I feel like the uke needs to consider the seme’s position (also needs to learn how to read the mood and situation) and trust the person who noticed him (tho I feel like the uke is kinda part of the reason why he doesn’t get noticed)... btw this is my perspective on things so don’t be like some random ppl on here who don’t understand that like idc if u guys comment on my post to express ur opinion about my perspective but don’t be like it’s wrong and stuff cuz to me ur opinion could be wrong so hopefully ur not like those ppl who trying to “prove me wrong” while giving the same excuse of the uke not knowing anything and me repeatedly having to say he still needs to have some degree of trust and know how to read the situation which just causes the whole argument to go around in circles cuz ppl ignore any other reasons I give to why the uke pisses me off/is part of the problem

    Sebby November 26, 2020 2:43 am
    But if the time the uke saw how the media were trying to get all the shots they can of him and how hard he worked to hide himself from the public then the uke would’ve understood the reason also I’m not say... Skdoq

    I experienced this before that my ex told me to trust him cause he had a reason but trust me you can't just say trust me without a reasoning I hope that the seme would just give a hint or a small talk about the media instead cause the uke doesn't have any idea for who he is. You don't get my point here. And reality wise everyone in this situation would do the same what uke did. Just be thankful to uke's patience. I think about the seme perspective but what he did was his mistakes. And also the seme doesn't hide to the media instead he wants his reputation ruined by the media. He just realize it later on what he did was a mistake. And you will not understand how first experience in relationship feel especially he's first for everything.

    Skdoq November 26, 2020 3:33 am
    I experienced this before that my ex told me to trust him cause he had a reason but trust me you can't just say trust me without a reasoning I hope that the seme would just give a hint or a small talk about the... Sebby

    Ok so u think everyone’s like ur ex or something??? Also I’m pretty sure u had trusted ur ex when u first started dating and idk ur situation but in this situation I don’t get why u guys always blame the seme for everything like the uke was at fault to... like idk if ur blaming it all on the seme but u honestly can’t like I do think a brief explanation would’ve been good but other than that the uke’s personality pisses me off cuz he’a way too quick to doubt like few hours of being separated the uke starts doubting the seme like u can’t put all the blame on the seme (btw I’m not putting all the blame on the uke but I’m just focusing on his faults cuz ppl don’t talk about the uke’s faults and only focuses on the seme and blames the whole thing on the seme) also u said everyone would act like what the uke did in that situation but if u think about ppl don’t start doubting other ppl after not even a day of being separated while the uke for some reason can even wait few days... also let me just say the seme noticed the uke like the uke should realize that the seme actually like him cuz the seme didn’t forget about him and seeks out for him like trust the person who cares for u not other ppl’s words (also pls don’t be the type of person who thinks their perspective on this is ideal or some crap cuz it’s not and I’ll be fine if ur just expressing ur opinion on my perspective but if ur trying to change my thought or trying to act like ur view on the situation is perfect or some crap then idgaf and Im literally am gonna ask u to just stfu and stop commenting cuz it’s annoying and ur not perfect and u can’t tell me that I’m wrong or some crap so don’t be that person if u r then bye cuz that type is annoying af)

Skdoq November 3, 2020 8:26 pm

I feel so bad for the seme like he’s being beaten up for not being perfect or the best in the world and everyone relies on him without thinking of how the expectations they have for the seme to take care of everything isn’t healthy for him or anyone and it’s just putting more stress on him, like even if he’s naturally smart it doesn’t mean that he doesn’t put effort... if u have talent for something but never put effort in it, it can only take u so far but the seme puts his all into everything but everyone treats it like he does it without any effort

Skdoq October 23, 2020 11:51 pm

I wish hyodo and yuki would just end up together already... like I love this story but just wish they would focus more on those two and their development

Skdoq October 19, 2020 11:20 pm

Ok I love this story but it pisses me off how the uke told kei that he won’t lose like dude kei is still human and he needs to be reassured that ur with him not because of his wins but because u love him. And also kei has a much more traumatic past than the uke but the uke only cares about his own trauma like dude kei is the one mentally and emotionally broken and u can help him get some of his emotions back but no the uke thinks that kei is unable to feel fear just because kei has a defensive mechanism that makes him shut his emotions off like he’s still human reassure him of ur love and let him fucking know it’s ok to feel stuff and it’s ok even if he doesn’t win or box. Like I love this story but the uke pissed me off

    Skdoq October 19, 2020 11:28 pm

    Also it seems like the uke is more concerned about ppl finding out about their relationship (which he never actually clarify because all he talks about is winning) than Kei’s mental state like honestly I get pissed when ukes r narrow minded and can’t think of other ppls well being and instead thinks of their own self like ok I get u want to protect ur boxing place but dude u hurt kei and honestly u haven’t been prioritizing him who needs the attention and love which kei never had. Like the uke just pisses me off when he does these things... I just want Kei to be happy and have everything he deserves and to be able to escape the past which caused him to set up defensive mechanisms to help him get through neglection and abuse...

    Mr.Taco October 19, 2020 11:39 pm
    Also it seems like the uke is more concerned about ppl finding out about their relationship (which he never actually clarify because all he talks about is winning) than Kei’s mental state like honestly I get ... Skdoq

    also have we all just forgotten about kei raping the uke in the beginning and the uke cheating?

    I don't think its fair to blame the uke for everything either. Of course he's afraid of being outed, his entire life as he knows it would be at risk of ruin. Also how in the world is he even supposed to know Kei's exact mental state??!! He's not a mind reader, and Kei doesn't really communicate much to him either, not to mention he almost always has a poker face. So how the faq is he supposed to know that Kei was afraid of being thrown away-- he consistenly told Kei he loved him anyways. He reassured Kei the best he could based on what he thought Kei was feeling-- nervousness at the thought that he couldn't win. We even saw at the end when he realized that Kei had believed he meant the shame and horror. The uke's doing the best he can, not to mention it's unbelievably unfair to expect Kei to be the uke's only priority every minute and second of the day like wtf. People have other parts of their lives; romance isn't the only thing to be worried about.

    So in general, I guess my point was that you're placing a very unfair burden on the uke. He's not a superhuman, he can't read minds, so he can't know what Kei is thinking without communication; And that is something that Kei sucks at. So IMO, the uke did the best he could, but the trauma Kei carries was just too great for him to handle momentaily. And if Tomoya hadn't interuppted, I think things could have been saved.

    Skdoq October 20, 2020 1:56 am
    also have we all just forgotten about kei raping the uke in the beginning and the uke cheating? I don't think its fair to blame the uke for everything either. Of course he's afraid of being outed, his entire li... Mr.Taco

    I agree that the seme did stuff too but honestly just from how the seme acts is plenty to tell thats he’s mentally broken in a way and the uke he doesn’t make things clear about their relationship and I’m pretty sure he caught on to the fact that the seme grew up without love but he chose to ignore that and kept talking about winning also consider what the seme went through he doesn’t know how ppl r supposed to act he doesn’t understand kindness cuz he was never shown any but the uke was like ok he’s afraid but he’s not broken but kei is pretty obviously broken by the way he questions things and how he doesn’t react to pain

    ZenRyu October 20, 2020 9:59 am

    While I agree that Yutaka should have been more mindful of Kei, how was he supposed to know Kei's state of mind?! Kei is never really clear about his feelings.. Yutaka was in love with Kei but he wanted the best for him as his trainer as well, that's why he encouraged him to be a better boxer.. He was selfish, yes.. He was cowardly, yes.. That was partly because he thought Kei didn't return his feelings.. When Yutaka confronted him after he lost did his feelings became clear.. Isn't it enough?
    That guy who talked to Yutaka about Kei by a psychological point of view really saved the day though.. Kudos to him! We need more people like that!(/TДT)/

    Skdoq October 20, 2020 5:05 pm
    While I agree that Yutaka should have been more mindful of Kei, how was he supposed to know Kei's state of mind?! Kei is never really clear about his feelings.. Yutaka was in love with Kei but he wanted the bes... ZenRyu

    Well the uke should’ve caught on cuz kei didn’t know or react to pain also his way of processing info shouldve also hinted to his mental states also like I’m not saying everything is the uke’s fault but the reason why he wanted kei to win was because he couldn’t reach his goal which was to take over his dad or make his dad proud and ended up pushed his own goals on to kei and rather than reassuring kei for kei he was reassuring kei for his own goal

    Mr.Taco October 20, 2020 5:56 pm
    Well the uke should’ve caught on cuz kei didn’t know or react to pain also his way of processing info shouldve also hinted to his mental states also like I’m not saying everything is the uke’s fault but... Skdoq

    Sure that was part of it. But Kei himself also said he wanted to be a pro boxer so of course yutaka would've supported him and wanted him to win

    Mr.Taco October 20, 2020 5:58 pm
    Well the uke should’ve caught on cuz kei didn’t know or react to pain also his way of processing info shouldve also hinted to his mental states also like I’m not saying everything is the uke’s fault but... Skdoq

    Yutaka could have known that he doesn't react to pain that well but just because he might know Kei's general mental state does not mean in any way that he could have identified the exact problem troubling Yutaka, especially since he doesn't know what Yutaka thinks.

    ZenRyu October 20, 2020 6:33 pm
    Yutaka could have known that he doesn't react to pain that well but just because he might know Kei's general mental state does not mean in any way that he could have identified the exact problem troubling Yutak... Mr.Taco

    Yeah.. Who would've thought that behind that poker face, his apathetic personality, is a child scared of being discarded.. I think they need time to delve deeper into the psychological/emotional part of each other.. Both are pretty oblivious (differenly)..

    Mr.Taco October 21, 2020 3:37 am
    Yeah.. Who would've thought that behind that poker face, his apathetic personality, is a child scared of being discarded.. I think they need time to delve deeper into the psychological/emotional part of each ot... ZenRyu

    It could be a child scared of being discarded. It could also be a child scared of losing the match. It could also be a child who is jealous. Or a child who just wants to stay inside. Or who wants to have sex. Or who is tired. Or hungry. It could be so many things...

    I agree with what you said about them needing to delve deeper into each other. But i feel like up to this point both of their actions are understandable and they act realistically. Their relationship imo worked out the best the could've when one is terrified of being outed and the other has deep psychological and emotional trauma who desperately needs counseling. in other words, their relationship worked out surprisingly well and i'm shocked that they actually got that far. Their seperation is inevitable imo, at least for now, until one person works out their problems. But they did their best.

    ZenRyu October 21, 2020 12:53 pm
    It could be a child scared of being discarded. It could also be a child scared of losing the match. It could also be a child who is jealous. Or a child who just wants to stay inside. Or who wants to have sex. O... Mr.Taco

    Yup yup.. I actually got afraid when Yutaka said they needed to maintain distance and Kei reminded himself of their situation.. I was afraid they would go back to square one, but they didn't.. I was so happy! (⌒▽⌒)

    ZenRyu October 21, 2020 12:54 pm
    Yup yup.. I actually got afraid when Yutaka said they needed to maintain distance and Kei reminded himself of their situation.. I was afraid they would go back to square one, but they didn't.. I was so happy! (... ZenRyu

    Maintain distance, as in, in public.. so not get outed..

Skdoq October 7, 2020 7:37 am

Honestly don’t like the uke guy like the seme guy he’s getting hurt by how the uke can’t do shit and how he doesn’t oppose anyone which makes it seem like the uke only wants to get close to the seme cuz of the parents or the teacher honestly hate these kind of characters who can’t think for themselves and hurt the seme w their fucking attitude like the uke cant fucking understand shit going on and he knows that his parents purposely said crap to make the seme feel insecure yet he doesn’t blame his parents and thinks that the seme was not affected like damn he really isn’t logical honestly the seme guy deserves better

    Skdoq October 7, 2020 7:53 am

    Also the uke guy never apologized for hurting the seme and that pisses me off cuz the seme was willing to bring himself down to apologize and tried to make up for what he did but the uke didn’t even apologize he was like “then we’re even since I was using u” like no bitch that’s not how it works u did some shitty things to the seme and hurt him so apologize like the seme already apologized so the uke should apologize too the uke is so annoying and honestly the seme deserves better

    ccaamm October 7, 2020 3:44 pm
    Also the uke guy never apologized for hurting the seme and that pisses me off cuz the seme was willing to bring himself down to apologize and tried to make up for what he did but the uke didn’t even apologize... Skdoq

    I respectfully disagree. the seme really was a piece of shit too. He refused to communicate and brought physical pain to the uke purposefully in addition to just tormenting the uke when they both had their problems. in all honesty I felt the uke should have been meaner. The uke only ignored him for a couple of days in comparison the amounts of torture he went through until he finally snapped and couldn't take it anymore. Then the seme realized he fucked up.

    Skdoq October 7, 2020 6:23 pm
    I respectfully disagree. the seme really was a piece of shit too. He refused to communicate and brought physical pain to the uke purposefully in addition to just tormenting the uke when they both had their prob... ccaamm

    What pissed me off was that the uke was half using him and the only reason he put up w the seme was cuz he was told to and the seme got hurt cuz of that... it seems like he has some kind of trauma from the past and the uke didnt apologize like the seme did shit too but he apologized and fixed his behavior and I feel like the uke should also apologize

    mangomango October 8, 2020 4:11 am
    What pissed me off was that the uke was half using him and the only reason he put up w the seme was cuz he was told to and the seme got hurt cuz of that... it seems like he has some kind of trauma from the past... Skdoq

    Ah I don't think he was using him. when I read that part It was more of him saying it to make the seme mad on purpose because he was very hurt by what the seme said he wanted the seme to hurt as well. maybe it's my personality but I found no problem in that lmao if someone's practically forcing me to eat food that they know I would barf out I would too but that's only my opinion

    Skdoq October 8, 2020 4:57 am
    Ah I don't think he was using him. when I read that part It was more of him saying it to make the seme mad on purpose because he was very hurt by what the seme said he wanted the seme to hurt as well. maybe it'... mangomango

    Ya but he was only putting up w the seme cuz he was told to like if he wasn’t told to then he would’ve probably resisted more than normal also even if he only said it that way to make the sense feel bad he should still apologize for it

    Bahlul_asoy October 8, 2020 3:42 pm

    but, without that shitty personality. the story going to be boring, right?

Skdoq October 6, 2020 7:16 pm

Honestly the uke kinda pissed me off cuz he broke his friends heart and knowing that the friend was watching de asks the girl he rejected out (like to do what like I seriously don’t understand why tf he did that) also like he decided to get w a guy he basically fucked while he was drunk over his friend who stayed by his side for many years without holding anything against him and he took advantage of that and acted like he didn’t do anything wrong also hate how he never apologized and I hate how the uke gave his friend false hop when he told him that he used to like the friend too using past tense then making the seme say it was in the past like dude no one else is gonna love u as much as he does like u rejected him but he still stayed by ur side and hid his feelings for u so that u won’t feel awkward

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