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I am cringing by whatever the fuck they’re saying because they’re so damn random

Author just ran out of ideas bro wth is this story

MICH3LL3 created a topic of His & His Dating Practice

If I’m being honest, I think anyone who sleeps around a lot especially if you’re thinking about irl, they shouldn’t be trusted to be a loyal partner from the get go. This is why I don’t like the uke in this story, the seme is quite on the pushover side as well, and I personally don’t like pushovers because I had some bad experiences with ones. This story wasn’t for me and that’s ok, if it’s considered “normal” to others then that’s ok to me too. Don’t judge people just because their preferences and the things they believe is right are different.

MICH3LL3 created a topic of On This Auspicious Day

If I’m being honest, I don’t get how you guys like the uke. He’s known for so many years and just because he was afraid, he made the seme suffer for years. I don’t understand how you guys find that acceptable at all.

MICH3LL3 created a topic of Perfect Addiction

I get all of your guys’ points but all of you saying things as if the uke also wasn’t in the wrong. Seriously, it was already obvious that the seme was gonna duck and leave in the first place yet the uke still fell in love with him and became pissy even though the seme didn’t clarify their relationship to be a serious thing until he ran up to him (which i think he should’ve left him as he (uke) was considering his (seme) personality)

In a normal setting and these two weren’t main, then they wouldn’t have gotten together, because the moment the uke went up and left that hotel, their relationship would’ve already ended. But, here we are.